If I may...

personally I find ::Easy and ::Simple no more useful than ::Foo.
> It says absolutely nothing about what kind of ease or simplicity
> I can expect, and CPAN has plenty of examples of such modules
> exhibiting all possible interpretations of these words.
> (XML::Simple comes to mind here, which has an API so complex at
> this point (with its own strict mode!) that the name is almost
> comical.)

This just screams to me like we need to have better standards than canceling
out words English language that can be used to mean something. Instead of
ruling out the words Easy, Tiny, Simple, Fast, and any other word, we need
to have better standards to make sure these words are still meaningful to

It'd be easier to have a new module up called Log::Fast and have it take 30
minutes to actually log something, thus ruining he idea of ::Fast, but it'd
be more worthwhile changing its name to Log::FsckingSlow and not ruin
::Fast. And it would be even better to just do it right  altogether and make
Log::Fast justifiable.

Also, it's just hit morning here, so... good morning! :)

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