# from Aristotle Pagaltzis
# on Wednesday 02 July 2008 15:21:

>no one would call a module Exception::Complicated except as a

Well, you're going to have a hard time predicting what a gaggle of zany 
programmers might do, especially if you dare them like that ;-)

I, for one, am seriously looking forward to the opportunity to publish 

>That means “easy” provides no useful differentiation in practice.

That much is true.  Except it does imply that the author thought 
something about the problem space was overly difficult, which might 
resonate with the audience.

>Whoohoo, let’s just call it NinjaCamp then

That's a snazzy name, but doesn't really fit since ninjas might conjure 
up associations such as "sneaky assassins for hire" -- I would like my 
exceptions to be more straightforward and loyal.  Possibly 
Samurai::Picnic or Berserker::Expedition.

Or just Grenadier.

Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to
predict the future is to invent it.
--Alan Kay

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