
i'm the maintainer of audio::mpd and poe::component::client::mpd, 2
modules that connect to a mpd server. there are 2 different modules to
fit the poe environment, and take advantage of the evenement framework
it provides.

those 2 modules already share part of the code, with audio::mpd::common
which provides them with common classes used by both modules.

both audio::mpd and pococm are shipping with an extensive test
suite which embeds some small ogg files. those test files weight 112k.

now, 112k is not that much, but:
 - they are duplicated in 2 modules, which is bad
 - they are uploaded everytime i upload a new version of one of the
   modules, which is also bad

therefore, i'm considering splitting the test data in a module of its
own. i don't think embedding them in audio::mpd::common would be the
best, since audio::mpd::common is needed at runtime, while this data is
only needed during build (test) time.

knowing that the new module will also provide some basic functions
to start / stop associated mpd server for the tests, what module name do
you suggest?

- audio::mpd::common? (even if i don't think that's the best)
- audio::mpd::test? this one is already used by a module in audio::mpd,
  but that's not a problem (i plan to move audio::mpd::test somewhere in
  t/lib/, so namespace would be free)
- audio::mpd::testdata?
- audio::mpd::common::test?
- data::audio::mpd?
- data::audio::mpd::test?
- test::audio::mpd?
- is there a namespace for bulk data? test data?

==> any insight welcome...


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