On Wednesday 24 November 2010 10:51:25 David Golden wrote:
> The new "fast" CPAN mirrors use File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent, which
> uses the new RECENT.* files to manage the synchronization process.
> Those files record recent changes (adds/deletes) to the frequently
> changing "authors/" and "modules/" directories.  The fast mirrors use
> those files to sync with PAUSE every minute or so with very low
> overhead.
> See http://tinyurl.com/35t9u3k for instructions on using F::R::M::Recent.

Thanks for the heads-up; I'd not seen that approach.  That certainly makes a 
lot of sense!

Since at a cursory glance it seems none of the current "fast" mirrors are in 
the UK, I'll drop a mail to c...@cpan.org offering a UK mirror to take part :)


Dave P

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