And if you are taking the trouble to look at my code I would appreciate your 
comment on something else that is bothering me.

The FSA has two attributes, fsa_states and fsa_transitions which define the 
rules for the Finite State Automata and anyone wishing to use this Role has to 
provide the two build methods, _build_fsa_states and _build_fsa_transitions. 
This seems clumsy to me so I would welcome any suggestions on how to do this 

Kind Regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Docherty, Ian (IT/UK) 
Sent: 19 September 2011 14:55
Subject: RE: MooseX::FSA::Simple

I should have shown the code first, but was too embarrassed because it has no 
pod (working on it now) and limited tests, but you can see what there is at if you care.

Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stevan Little [] 
Sent: 19 September 2011 14:21
To: Richard Simões
Cc: Docherty, Ian (IT/UK);
Subject: Re: MooseX::FSA::Simple


Actually it seems that most of the MooseX::Role modules 
( are not that.

Some of them do extend the Role API, but most seem to provide some level of 
basic features that can be mixed into an object. In some cases this is an 
inappropriate use of the MooseX::Role namespace and in others I think it 
straddles the line. For instance, MooseX::Role::TraitsConstructor is not 
extending the Role API, but I am not sure that would make sense to be named 
anything different. 

I think really it depends on what exactly Ian's module does here.

Ian, care to share the code?

- Stevan


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