I haven't watched HOSTEL.  I saw WOLF CREEK and it was
enough.  There is a certain artistry to scaring people
and I thought HIGH TENSION had those elements and was
gory as hell.  Okay the script wasn't the best but
neither were the others. The music, sound design, and
camera work were exceptional. It was a scary, bloody

What I don't like is when they are too disturbing.
It's not scary, gory, or the violence that bugs me,
it's the disturbing part.  I don't think it's
necessary.  We've got enough disturbing things in

I know one thing:  travel doesn't seem like a safe
thing to do according to these movies:  Wolf Creek and
Hostel.  Next they'll make a movie about the canibal
guy in Germany and human sacrafices in Mexico.


--- Offaleater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Isnt it funny, depending on AGE and what you saw as
> a youngster people feel
> what they like/remember/continue to enjoy is the
> "real" thing.
> I know many people, some here, Forry also doesnt
> consider "slasher' films
> and "gore' films as "Horror" films.
> It reminds me of my friends and I. We as teens and
> early 20's into the PUNK
> scene.
> NOW there is "New School" Punk. WE HATE IT, we say,
> ITS NOT PUNK, Punk was
> about certain things and these clean cut, cool kids
> from US Colleges are NOT
> Punk - THEY DONT GET "IT". The kids say, YEAH BUT
> NEW SCHOOL. We dont get them, they dont get us.
> Horror fans of an older generation, MUSIC FANS,
> whatever, they like what
> they grew up on, they see it as real and the new
> stuff is not.
> SO, we had from my parents generation, why do you
> listen to this crap music?
> Listen to CREAM, those guys could play.  Exploited?
> They cant even keep in
> time.
> Now its.... Whats with all this Electronic junk,
> wheres the "real"
> intruments?
> I don't care, I like Horror films, and ALL genres of
> film, and watch
> anything once and anything I like will watch again
> (and again) from
> Experimental to Exploitation.
> Ari
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