Amen, David.


David Kusumoto wrote:

** I grow tired of pupils from the "no linen-backing, no restoration" school applying their "rules" to larger "art" items like movie paper filled with acid. This is a zero-tolerance attitude that feels TOO absolute. If you collect antiquarian hardbacks, comic books or magazines, you can't restore without hurting value. But what good is owning larger movie paper that will crack or crumble to dust even if handled with latex gloves?

** We're not talking about furniture or a Tiffany lamp whose value plunges after its "patina" is cleaned off or "restored." Parchment lasts longer, but it isn't paper. The life span of paper decorated with colored inks is near zero by comparison. As I've said before, for some people, presentation is everything. To me, there's nothing wrong about linen- or paper-backing items that will extend its life and make 'em look better with a few minor touch-ups. Slabbing would drive me out of the hobby because you can't display slabbed posters and it opens up a can of worms about UV and fading and other crap. Besides, Rich is correct. Poster collectors are a tiny bunch that wouldn't fill a nice-sized yacht. It'd take an ocean liner to accommodate the number of comic and coin collectors who live in the USA alone.

** Look at how museum curators in NY or SFO treat their paintings and drawings and even movie paper. In some cases, they're looking at preservation AND restoration. Without restoration, Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring," Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" or Rembrandt's "Night Watch" would be non-existent today or display with many flakes of pigment missing. There's controversy about restoring frescoes like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, but less debate about restoring framed art. So when I hear people declare that movie paper restoration is "illogical" -- I respond with this: IF restoring art on canvas, a material MORE more durable than an acid-filled poster -- is embraced by museum curators, than WHY NOT framed paper as well, so long as it's NOT over done? For ex., at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, there are several three-sheets on display. They're linen-backed and not over painted. At the Academy Awards' corporate offices on Wilshire Blvd., there are a mix of linen-backed/restored and unrestored posters also on display. Some I've seen even look dry mounted on foam core.

** I prefer unrestored paper, but I've got NO problems buying vintage posters backed and "touched up" so long I know what was done, as now practiced by Bruce and Heritage. Yet some declare sacrilegious -- the practice of de-acidifying, cleaning, backing and conservatively restoring old movie paper. They insist flaws ADD "character." ADD what? Flaws can underline how old a poster is, and in some cases, they may add "charm," whatever that subjective word means. But the type of flaws on a poster -- and how many -- will determine whether anything can be ADDED and PUSHED into the "plus" side of the column while judging the sum total of a poster's sentimental or $$$ value.

** Yet I know people who will "die on the hill" -- declaring tears, folds, stains, creases aren't "really" defects -- IF a poster is at least (fill in the blank) years old. Well, I won't display an unrestored insert on paper or linen that's crinkled and looks like it was sprayed with rust water. "Rust" and about 30 tape stains and crinkle "chunks" may ADD "character" -- but at what point do they transform a poster into a large and brittle newspaper with colored inks -- held together by linen with zero touch-ups? The reason I think collecting newspapers and pulp magazines is mostly inexpensive is because the acid has turned 'em into yellowed crap and few exist, defect-free, despite being printed by the thousands. I collect 'em for historical reasons, but I won't display 'em.

** I agree bad restoration of an old poster is more horrific than leaving that same poster untouched. But in my view, there will ALWAYS be a need for great poster restorers. So any effort to start a tidal wave against restoration of movie posters -- will always be a non-starter for me.


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