I agree COMPLETELY! I have had probably 50 times where I have not bid due to a friend being the current high bidder. OR for me, when deciding how much to bid and when, to strategically see what other bidder's history's were in the last 30 days or so could help me gage in some way how high they would 'normally' go in their past auctions. I have ZERO problem with anyone seeing my past history, etc. and as information is power, we are clearly all becoming far less powerful on Ebay where there is so little to be had in the first place. Also, just as an aside, wouldn't being unable to see a bidder's ID encourage some unscrupulous Sellers to shill bid their items. Anywho, as a result, I will likely not bid as often on Ebay due to all the current 'improvements' and end up buying from dealers more. In fact, I already have been.

I actually spoke to a rep at Ebay and complained about the new Seller fees and not being able to leave negative feedback while buyers still could. He stated that there was retaliatory feedback happening (yeah, I know, shocking), to which I replied, great, now any bidder can hurt a Seller's rep with impunity, how is that fair? His response, "Well, we are putting a huge amount of dedicated manpower toward resolving any complaints etc. and any banned buyer's feedback will be removed retroactively." To which I replied, doesn't the fact that you feel you have to allocate all this new manpower mean that you've actually created a new problem that requires such action on your part.? He said they'd had a lot of complaints about this and he'd 'note' my statements to his managers, etc.

I'm sure my complaint this will solve everything.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 11:35 AM, Freedom Lover wrote:

I noticed that, but I don't think it's necessarily a good idea. I mostly buy and if I want something a friend of mine is bidding on, I'll sometimes let it go (depends on the piece, of course). Of course, the sellers will say this is bad for business and they're right. I still liked the option of standing aside for a bud.


On Mar 6, 2008, at 2:29 PM, Kenwick Cook wrote:

Hey gang;
I just noticed that starting today, that "putting your name in the room" means nothing... I guess it's now truly a 'silent auction'... bidders' screen names are no longer legible, regardless of the going-price... below is the new quote on all Bidding History pages:


To help keep the eBay community safe, enhance bidder privacy, and protect our members from fraudulent emails, eBay has changed how User IDs display on the bid history page. Only you and the seller of the item can view your User ID, all other members will see anonymous user IDs, such as x***y.


I guess as a bidder, I kinda like the limiting of fraud, however, I'll miss putting my screen name out there because I truly felt that it helped to link buyers to My Store with that silly little Red Door...

What're y'all's thoughts?


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