What is "low budget" depends on who you talk to.  $10-20 million is
moderately low.  For a studio level film, it's positively tiny.  Even for
a lot of small companies, it's considered low budget.  I've dealt with
companies that if a film isn't over $10 million, they won't consider
distributing it because it's way too low.  (An average studio film is
over $65 million, for comparison.  So, no, $10-20 is not "ridiculously
high".  Except in the absolute sense of why should they cost so much.
But the fact is that they do.)

But for people not at the studio level, $10 million is toward the high
end.  $2-3 million is about the range for most "independent" low
budget films.  Ones that actually have a likelihood of making a deal
for distribution.

Absolutely there are films made for less.  $400,000-$1,000,000 is
the range for low budget TV movies, such as those that air on Sci Fi
Channel (and then get sold on DVD or get some theatrical distribution
in Europe).  And there are films made for a lot less.  But those rarely
are of a quality -- in terms of acting, lighting, sound, etc. -- to get any
sort of distribution.

Also, I doubt very strongly that there are "50,000+ English language
movies are made every year".  I doubt there are that many in all
languages made in a given year.  Unless you're including shorts and
internet videos and student films, etc.


At 05:09 PM 7/22/2008, Robert D. Brooks wrote:
What on Earth are you guys talking about?!? You're talking about 'low budget' as if $10 or 20 million was LOW! That's not a low budget, that's a ridiculously high, Hollywood budget! A million or less is a low budget. A hundred thousand or less is a shoe-string budget. Here's a clue: if there are major stars in it and a full union cast and crew, it's not 'low budget!' Probably 50,000+ English language movies are made every year, and far less than 1% of those have a budget over 5 or 10 million...



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