personally I just like (no LOVE) movies.
Dont care where they come from, what the budget, if I like it or LOVE it thats 
Ive only worked on ONE feature, many shorts, the feature was so far below whats 
considered low budget, or even shoestring apparently. Nobody was paid, costs 
were physical, as a producer of the pic I was told $30K, but i suspect a lot 
less in hindsight.
A friend of mine made a feature for $1K Aussie, and they managed to make a good 
profit from it in DVD sales (released world wide)
Again, everyone worked free.

Now both above are NOT masterpieces, I enjoy them for what they are.

Like I enjoy reading both GREAT NOVELS and TRASHY PULP, so too I enjoy a GREAT 

Its mediocre that I get bored with.

Aloha from OZ,


--- On Wed, 23/7/08, Craig Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Craig Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Can a major director shoot an "epic" on a low budget?
> Received: Wednesday, 23 July, 2008, 1:20 PM
> You're missing the point.  You're wrong about the
> number of movies made.
> Your numbers all seem to be wild guesses and you
> haven't specified if
> you're talking about feature length films or including
> all lengths 
> and formats.
> I can only believe you're doing the latter because your
> numbers are just
> way, way off for the former.  (And what makes you think
> each film festival
> gets applications for a completely different group of
> films?  Sundance
> requires it hasn't been shown anywhere else before them
> but most
> festivals have no such rule.  And they don't say films
> can't play other
> festivals after them.)
> Please don't insult us by suggesting that only you are
> so smart as to know
> about films not made by the Hollywood studios or that we
> don't know about
> low budget films.  I assure you, that isn't the case.
> And if you think the super low budget filmmakers all make
> wonderful
> movies, you clearly haven't seen a significant enough
> percentage of them.
> A large percentage of the indies are godawful.  As are the
> majority of
> studio pictures.  But they don't suddenly become good
> because they're
> made with low low budgets.
> I've been in this business over 30 years now and
> I've worked with and seen
> pictures at all different budget levels.  The budget --
> high or low 
> -- isn't what
> makes them good.
> Craig.
> At 07:44 PM 7/22/2008, Robert D. Brooks wrote:
> >You guys don't seem to be getting my point:  If
> 99.9% of all the 
> >films that get made in any given year have a budget
> less than $5 or 
> >10 million - you can't go calling $20 million
> 'low budget' -even if 
> >it is low by Hollywood standards (and do you really
> think that I 
> >don't know what the average Hollywood budget is
> nowadays or how many 
> >films they put out in a year???). Hollywood isn't
> the only game in 
> >town!  You guys (like seemingly everyone else on Earth)
> only 
> >consider big-budget Hollywood films 'films' -
> every other film 
> >doesn't even exist in your world.  Your world only
> consists of those 
> >2-400 films a year that Hollywood puts out, not ALL of
> the movies 
> >put out in total...  That's doing a great
> disservice to the 
> >film-makers, writers, actors and crews out there around
> the world 
> >(who do a far, far better job, dollar-for-dollar, than
> Hollywood does)!
> >
> >And, to clarify for you, they make somewhere between 2
> and 5 
> >thousand films a year - in Canada alone!  The Toronto
> Film Festival 
> >gets something like 5-800 applications each year from
> just Canadian 
> >indie films (and only a tiny fraction of films will get
> >submitted).  Vancouver gets another 4 or 500. Consider
> that the US 
> >is ten times the size (as well as Europe, Australia and
> Asia - we'll 
> >even exclude Bollywood just to even things out), and my
> numbers are 
> >probably quite conservative actually.  There's
> likely well over 1 or 
> >200,000 English language films made each year.  But, as
> I said, 
> >those other 199,800 don't matter to you, so they
> might as well not exist...
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Bob
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig
> >Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 6:09 PM
> >Subject: Re: [MOPO] Can a major director shoot an
> "epic" on a low budget?
> >
> >
> >>What is "low budget" depends on who you
> talk to.  $10-20 million is
> >>moderately low.  For a studio level film, it's
> positively tiny.  Even for
> >>a lot of small companies, it's considered low
> budget.  I've dealt with
> >>companies that if a film isn't over $10
> million, they won't consider
> >>distributing it because it's way too low.  (An
> average studio film is
> >>over $65 million, for comparison.  So, no, $10-20
> is not "ridiculously
> >>high".  Except in the absolute sense of why
> should they cost so much.
> >>But the fact is that they do.)
> >>
> >>But for people not at the studio level, $10 million
> is toward the high
> >>end.  $2-3 million is about the range for most
> "independent" low
> >>budget films.  Ones that actually have a likelihood
> of making a deal
> >>for distribution.
> >>
> >>Absolutely there are films made for less. 
> $400,000-$1,000,000 is
> >>the range for low budget TV movies, such as those
> that air on Sci Fi
> >>Channel (and then get sold on DVD or get some
> theatrical distribution
> >>in Europe).  And there are films made for a lot
> less.  But those rarely
> >>are of a quality -- in terms of acting, lighting,
> sound, etc. -- to get any
> >>sort of distribution.
> >>
> >>Also, I doubt very strongly that there are
> "50,000+ English language
> >>movies are made every year".  I doubt there
> are that many in all
> >>languages made in a given year.  Unless you're
> including shorts and
> >>internet videos and student films, etc.
> >>
> >>Craig.
> >>
> >>
> >>At 05:09 PM 7/22/2008, Robert D. Brooks wrote:
> >>>What on Earth are you guys talking about?!? 
> You're talking about 
> >>>'low budget' as if $10 or 20 million
> was LOW!  That's not a low 
> >>>budget, that's a ridiculously high,
> Hollywood budget!  A million 
> >>>or less is a low budget. A hundred thousand or
> less is a 
> >>>shoe-string budget.  Here's a clue:  if
> there are major stars in 
> >>>it and a full union cast and crew, it's not
> 'low budget!' Probably 
> >>>50,000+ English language movies are made every
> year, and far less 
> >>>than 1% of those have a budget over 5 or 10
> million...
> >>>
> >>>Cheers,
> >>>
> >>>Bob
> >>>
> >>>         Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site
> at
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> >>
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