I agree with Kirby too, particularly with his comment: "Any proxy bid system 
could be undermined with enough 
  'nefariousness' at work."  

Hence while I wrote the my "essay" with a level of air-tightness - I was trying 
to convey less 
personal suspicion about any "nefariousness" at work by Heritage - (and 
it's only because I know and trust Grey) - but with more concern about 
the link between GavelSnipe and Heritage - and how in 
my view, it has a level of newsworthiness with the media that Heritage doesn't 
need.  Don't think
 so?  Just REPLACE Heritage's name in my "essay" below - with Sotheby's 
or Christie's or Profiles in History.  You see, your emotional reaction is 
based on 
the type of relationship and comfort level you may or may not already have with 
any auction 
house on earth.  This is really a personal preference thing with 
people, e.g., they either trust the "leash" between the two entities - or they 
don't.  I just put it out there because I know most people will read it
 - and most as a result will mull it over as another quirky element that 
riddles all hobbies, not just ours. -d. 

Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 16:20:39 +0200

From: i...@motionpictureart.com

Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest?  Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?


I agree with Kirby. We've been using Gavelsnipe for 
eBay for quite some time, we don't buy from Heritage, and never had any 


Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 09:05:48 -0500
From: ki...@movieart.net
Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest?  Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?

I have used Gavelsnipe many times for Heritage and Ebay auctions and I have 
never had even one whiff 
of a feeling that I was being run up.  I'm glad that this service exists 
because I like the snipe process.  Ican set it and forget it.
Doesn't mean it couldn't happen if some nefarious persons wanted to pollute the 
Any proxy bid system could be undermined with enough "nefariousness" at work.
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 02:13:00 -0700
From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
Subject: Potential Conflict of Interest?  Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?

* With the impending launch of Peter Contarino's, Sean Linkenback's and Ken 
Schacter's auctions (vs. fixed price sales which are there now), I've 
been visiting their MoviePosterExchange.com site.  It's easy to navigate and 
very user-friendly.  (BTW, where in the 
heck did the highly-touted $850,000 "Metropolis" 3-sheet go?  I can't 
find it!  Did it sell?)  At any rate, while visiting the site's FAQs, I read 
that it has partnered with GavelSnipe, the sniping program service, 
which will be available to bidders for timed auctions.  That's good 

* But what's interesting - and this has nothing to do with 
MoviePosterExchange.com - is GavelSnipe "appears" to be owned by Heritage.  If 
I'm wrong, please correct me - and a thousand apologies if I am.  I'm 
less concerned about potential abuses like shilling and what not with 
Heritage's auctions - than I am about transparency.  
GavelSnipe's murky origins are troubling.  I couldn't find much info 
about who owns or runs it.  This is NOT a criticism of 
Grey - who I consider a pal.  The issue of GavelSnipe's ownership - if 
indeed Heritage is its "owner" - is out of his hands.  It's bigger than 
him because it's available to bidders in Heritage's other departments.

* If true, this is NOT like PayPal being 
owned by eBay.  It's more like GavelSnipe being owned by Sotheby's or 
Christie's, e.g., a conflict 
of interest where potential abuses "could" occur - despite

 assurances that a "sniping subsidiary" of Sotheby's or Christie's - can 
operate independently - with an iron-clad ability to preserve the 
confidentiality of all scheduled "snipe" bids submitted online.  Do you trust 
this, given what you've read in the news about Sotheby's, Christie's, price 
fixing, Wall Street buddies in bed with politicians trading stocks with 
confidential info, etc.?  

* By using 
ANY sniping program, you are imparting the same trust you already give to 
auction sites when submitting "absentee bids" for "live" showroom sales. 
 The difference is you can't be "run-up" while using a sniping program, 
or so you think, because your bids are placed in the last few seconds of a
 timed sale.  But what if the wall protecting "sniped bids" is 
breached by another department in the SAME building?  Here's what I know:  
GavelSnipe is based in Dallas and "uses SSL encryption (so that) your passwords 
are secured and not VIEWABLE by GavelSnipe personnel."  I have no reason to 
distrust this.  But what about actual snipe bid amounts before a sale closes?  
In the effort to make "sniping" available for 
clients like myself who've clamored for it - I hope Heritage hasn't errantly 
opened a can of worms 
by OWNING GavelSnipe - instead of PARTNERING with an 
independently-run third party company - such as JustSnipe or others like it.

* Before most of you scoff and dismiss what I'm saying as "manufactured 
paranoia" or "no big deal" - please know that I'm approaching 
this as a 
person who has personally GAINED by buying and 
consigning items with Heritage over the years - hence I'm not inclined 
to see it stub its toes for ANY reason.  Again, I'm
 more concerned about transparency than abuse when it comes to Heritage.  And 
that's mostly because of Grey.  But visit the GavelSnipe site.  It "feels" like 
it has something to
 hide - as if it already knows that there's ZERO benefit 
to be PROACTIVE with consumers - about who's "really" signing the paychecks for 
GavelSnipe's employees. -d.

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