I thought ebay owned ensipe.
I'm almost sure that they do.

Kirby McDaniel
MovieArt Original Film Posters
P.O. Box 4419
Austin TX 78765-4419
512 479 6680  www.movieart.net
mobile 512 589 5112

On Apr 19, 2012, at 2:51 AM, David Kusumoto wrote:

> Ha-ha, Rich.  In sum - I could be wrong on some of these, but as far as I 
> know:  eBay doesn't own a sniping company.  Sotheby's doesn't own a sniping 
> company.  MoviePosterExchange.com doesn't own a sniping company.  Bonham's 
> doesn't own a sniping company.  Christie's doesn't own a sniping company.  
> Profiles in History doesn't own a sniping company.  eMoviePoster doesn't own 
> a sniping company.  The reasons are economic - and also because of how it 
> would look to consumers, regulators and politicians.  If ONLY DEALERS have a 
> blind spot about this, I'm not surprised.  Or, shoot, this could all just be 
> a "specific-to-Texas" anomaly.  
> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 00:30:15 -0700
> From: sa...@comic-art.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> There's no story here, move along.
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 23:27:52 -0700
> From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> * My goodness, Dale, there are so many huge holes in your rebuttal that I 
> could fit a freight train through each one without touching any of its sides. 
>  But why bother?  In my view, you need to reboot your writing skills and come 
> up with a debating strategy more substantial than, "what you're writing about 
> is fire and brimstone over nothing and I personally think you just hate 
> Heritage."
> * What has Heritage done to me personally that would warrant an accusation 
> like that from you, Dale Dilts, a person I know nothing about, who doesn't 
> register anything on my radar at MoPo - nor do I care based solely on your 
> inability to string words together in a way resembling intelligent thought?  
> Your note does suggest, however, that you're ignorant of what's been 
> published in the business sections of news sites since 2008.  I've already 
> disclosed that I've personally gained as a consignor and buyer of Heritage.  
> I think its movie poster department is run by an a blue-chip, top-flight guy 
> named Grey Smith, who built his operation out of nothing 10 years ago.  
> Unlike Geraldine, I'm not a disgruntled Heritage client in any way.  Or maybe 
> you, Dale Dilts, think it's classier to observe a "gentleman's agreement" 
> about things that seem odd, you know, keep everything under the table where 
> it belongs, and not stir up "trouble" - that we should all just leave things 
> with a "wink," and as you say, "move on."  I hope you're not working in P.R. 
> or in the customer relations operations of any company.  Because never in a 
> million years would I hire you.  You're poison.
> * BTW, did you know that your last line, "There's no story here, move on," is 
> the CLASSIC cliché rebuttal that editors mock every day in newsrooms around 
> the world?  When ANY person utters it, it means there IS a story.  Didn't you 
> get the memo that I've been on both sides of this ugly business - and have 
> professionally handled "conflict of interest-type stories" as a news guy - 
> and as a P.R. guy?  You really think a story about this - would NOT resonate 
> with a news editor?  Really?  You're the one who's not thinking this through. 
>  And I'm sorry, but your line, "There's no story here, move on" - sounds like 
> famous last words etched on a tombstone.  You sound like Richard Nixon. -d.
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 21:47:32 -0500
> From: ddilts...@mchsi.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> OK, I tried to put these mails on auto flush, but come on stick a pin in it, 
> who cares. 
> Heritage is in the auction business last time I checked. Ebay allows people 
> to use their API to build sniping programs because it makes bidders feel all 
> warm and fuzzy making bids, so why shouldn’t Heritage pilot their own with a 
> smaller user base. 
> These mails have really  come across to me as you have a chip on your 
> shoulder for heritage plain and simple. 
> Your second point makes no sense to me at all.  Banks cannot own investment 
> companies, soft drink companies cannot own a snack company. Oh my god, Disney 
> owns ABC and ESPN and don’t forget…. Marvel Comics… the sky is falling. 
> There is no story here, move on.
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 15:26:23 -0700
> From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> Thanks, Kerry, for that bit of info below.
> * Meanwhile, I'm sorry, but the word, "conspiracy" implies seamy dealings 
> involving more than one person or companies gaming a system or flouting a 
> law.  I haven't suggested that about Heritage.  And as an ex-news guy, my 
> litmus test is to demand things in writing - or to get personal testimonies 
> backed with dates, numbers and other facts - not conjecture.  Every company 
> or person, including Heritage, deserves that.  Kerry's sleuthing shows that 
> Heritage registered the GavelSnipe domain name - but this doesn't necessarily 
> mean it still owns it.
> * However, whether Heritage is a "financial backer or an owner" - always 
> matters in the world of business - in the same way that it matters to us that 
> Bank of America owns Merrill Lynch, that PepsiCo owns Frito-Lay, that Disney 
> owns ABC and ESPN, that ComCast owns NBC and that Rupert Murdoch owns the NY 
> Post, Fox Sports, the WSJ and movies and shows produced or distributed by 
> 20th Century Fox.  I have not suggested Heritage is breaking the law nor is 
> running up bids - yet the mildly defensive responses thus far - address only 
> that specific element.  I don't care about that part personally (although it 
> is a salient concern) - because my experiences with Heritage have been 
> largely positive.
> * But I always care about transparency and proactive disclosure.  So if we 
> say that "the ownership of Gavelsnipe by Heritage corporate was never 
> hidden," what does that mean exactly at the level of a consumer?  Does "never 
> hidden" mean it is being disclosed proactively, being disclosed upon request, 
> "never disclosed officially" - or is this simply "universal common knowledge" 
> among those "in the know?"  I could not find a one thing addressing this on 
> GavelSnipe's site.  That's odd, I thought.  It's like having a light bulb go 
> on while I'm visiting a website.  I always want to know who owns or runs it.  
> And I was led to this only because of my curiosity - in relation to my praise 
> for the MoviePosterExchange.com site and reading its FAQs.  
> MoviePosterExchange will use GavelSnipe as a third party service, rather than 
> doing it by itself.  No conflict there.  
> * I repeat:  Doesn't your objectivity get tested when you replace the word, 
> "Heritage" - with the word, "Sotheby's?"  Or how about with the words, 
> "Rupert Murdoch" or "Keith Olbermann?"  I think it does make a difference.  
> In sum, all of this then becomes a personal preference based on the level of 
> trust you impart to a Sotheby's or a Murdoch or an Olbermann - combined with 
> the number of positive experiences or relationships you have or have had with 
> these people or entities.  
> * Would it bother me a little if Sotheby's owned a company like GavelSnipe 
> and integrated it into a timed auction?  Speaking for myself, the answer is 
> yes.  For Heritage, the answer is no, but I think disclosing its relationship 
> with GavelSnipe is a "pre-emptive" strike to prevent others with ill 
> intentions from "discovering" it on their own.  When you've got material info 
> that may be controversial - my P.R. rule is to always get your message out 
> FIRST to prevent being placed in a defensive position and/or losing control 
> of a potential story about your brand. -d.
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 14:37:44 -0700
> From: loveno...@gmail.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> I found this ownership info, not on the Gavelsnipe.com website (I
> looked thru their Terms and Conditions and FAQs--and could find
> nothing about who it's corporate owner is on either page), but on a
> third party site, called website.informer.com.
> Heritage is stated as the owner/registrant.
> Created: 2006-03-14
> Expires: 2013-03-14
> Owner: Heritage Auctions Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC
> (http://www.godaddy.com)
> Hosting company: PSINet, Inc
> Registrar: GODADDY.COM, LLC
> IPs:
> DNS: ns1.gavelsniper.com
> ns2.gavelsniper.com
> Registrant:
> Heritage Auctions
> Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (http://www.godaddy.com)
> Domain servers in listed order:
> -Kerry
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 14:20:07 -0700
> From: sa...@comic-art.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> I don't recall how I found out that Heritage is a financial backer of 
> Gavelsnipe (which is probably more appropriate than calling them a corporate 
> ownership), but I've known, it's been talked about on Comic Book forums and 
> the like.. But I have never been worried one bit about leaving my bids on 
> gavelsnipe and it's easy for me to see how much money I have saved on both 
> ebay and Heritage auctions by looking at my snipes and how mostly, they've 
> never gotten close to my winning bids
> then again, I'm not a conspiracist.
> I know the only way for two people to keep a secret is if one of them is dead
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:50:53 -0700
> From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> Rich
> How did you know?  Through the site itself (which is key) - or through pals 
> or by just "being in the know?"  If a consumer signs up with GavelSnipe for 
> the first time today, is there a PROACTIVE disclosure in GavelSnipe's terms 
> and conditions about its relationship with Heritage?  If so, it undercuts 
> everything I've written and I owe everyone a big apology. -d.
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:41:37 -0700
> To: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
> From: sa...@comic-art.com
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by 
> Heritage?
> David
> the ownership of Gavelsnipe by Heritage corporate was never hidden.. I knew 
> about it the day I set up my own account
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:24:52 -0700
> From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> I agree with Kirby too, particularly with his comment: "Any proxy bid system 
> could be undermined with enough 'nefariousness' at work."  
> Hence while I wrote my "essay" with a level of air-tightness - I was trying 
> to convey less personal suspicion about any "nefariousness" at work by 
> Heritage - (and it's only because I know and trust Grey) - but with more 
> concern about the link between GavelSnipe and Heritage - and how in my view, 
> it has a level of newsworthiness with the media that Heritage doesn't need.  
> Don't think so?  Just REPLACE Heritage's name in my "essay" below - with 
> Sotheby's or Christie's or Profiles in History.  You see, your emotional 
> reaction is based on the type of relationship and comfort level you may or 
> may not already have with any auction house on earth.  This is really a 
> personal preference thing with people, e.g., they either trust the "leash" 
> between the two entities - or they don't.  I just put it out there because I 
> know most people will read it - and most as a result will mull it over as 
> another quirky element that riddles all hobbies, not just ours. -d. 
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 16:20:39 +0200
> From: i...@motionpictureart.com
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> I agree with Kirby. We've been using Gavelsnipe for eBay for quite some time, 
> we don't buy from Heritage, and never had any problems.
> Ron
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 09:05:48 -0500
> From: ki...@movieart.net
> Subject: Re: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> I have used Gavelsnipe many times for Heritage and Ebay auctions and I have 
> never had even one whiff 
> of a feeling that I was being run up.  I'm glad that this service exists 
> because I like the snipe process.  I
> can set it and forget it.
> Doesn't mean it couldn't happen if some nefarious persons wanted to pollute 
> the process.  
> Any proxy bid system could be undermined with enough "nefariousness" at work.
> Kirby
> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 02:13:00 -0700
> From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned by Heritage?
> * With the impending launch of Peter Contarino's, Sean Linkenback's and Ken 
> Schacter's auctions (vs. fixed price sales which are there now), I've been 
> visiting their MoviePosterExchange.com site.  It's easy to navigate and very 
> user-friendly.  (BTW, where in the heck did the highly-touted $850,000 
> "Metropolis" 3-sheet go?  I can't find it!  Did it sell?)  At any rate, while 
> visiting the site's FAQs, I read that it has partnered with GavelSnipe, the 
> sniping program service, which will be available to bidders for timed 
> auctions.  That's good news.  
> * But what's interesting - and this has nothing to do with 
> MoviePosterExchange.com - is GavelSnipe "appears" to be owned by Heritage.  
> If I'm wrong, please correct me - and a thousand apologies if I am.  I'm less 
> concerned about potential abuses like shilling and what not with Heritage's 
> auctions - than I am about transparency.  GavelSnipe's murky origins are 
> troubling.  I couldn't find much info about who owns or runs it.  This is NOT 
> a criticism of Grey - who I consider a pal.  The issue of GavelSnipe's 
> ownership - if indeed Heritage is its "owner" - is out of his hands.  It's 
> bigger than him because it's available to bidders in Heritage's other 
> departments.
> * If true, this is NOT like PayPal being owned by eBay.  It's more like 
> GavelSnipe being owned by Sotheby's or Christie's, e.g., a conflict of 
> interest where potential abuses "could" occur - despite assurances that a 
> "sniping subsidiary" of Sotheby's or Christie's - can operate independently - 
> with an iron-clad ability to preserve the confidentiality of all scheduled 
> "snipe" bids submitted online.  Do you trust this, given what you've read in 
> the news about Sotheby's, Christie's, price fixing, Wall Street buddies in 
> bed with politicians trading stocks with confidential info, etc.?  
> * By using ANY sniping program, you are imparting the same trust you already 
> give to auction sites when submitting "absentee bids" for "live" showroom 
> sales.  The difference is you can't be "run-up" while using a sniping 
> program, or so you think, because your bids are placed in the last few 
> seconds of a timed sale.  But what if the wall protecting "sniped bids" is 
> breached by another department in the SAME building?  Here's what I know:  
> GavelSnipe is based in Dallas and "uses SSL encryption (so that) your 
> passwords are secured and not VIEWABLE by GavelSnipe personnel."  I have no 
> reason to distrust this.  But what about actual snipe bid amounts before a 
> sale closes?  In the effort to make "sniping" available for clients like 
> myself who've clamored for it - I hope Heritage hasn't errantly opened a can 
> of worms by OWNING GavelSnipe - instead of PARTNERING with an 
> independently-run third party company - such as JustSnipe or others like it.
> * Before most of you scoff and dismiss what I'm saying as "manufactured 
> paranoia" or "no big deal" - please know that I'm approaching this as a 
> person who has personally GAINED by buying and consigning items with Heritage 
> over the years - hence I'm not inclined to see it stub its toes for ANY 
> reason.  Again, I'm more concerned about transparency than abuse when it 
> comes to Heritage.  And that's mostly because of Grey.  But visit the 
> GavelSnipe site.  It "feels" like it has something to hide - as if it already 
> knows that there's ZERO benefit to be PROACTIVE with consumers - about who's 
> "really" signing the paychecks for GavelSnipe's employees. -d.
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