very cool Michael- i made up some samplesand thought what a great dorr greeter to say the movie you could have ethel and theres no biz like show biziness , Or welcome to Jurasssic park...etc,,,,and i like your clever one with the wife..I am sure even Pets would like the prank...LOl
I am a firm believer in samples and letting people test the items..

in 1989 i did my most advantageous product my "Movie award Bank"...i spent 30K in molds and tooling to have blow molds made,legal fees to geta copyright on the art and a 4 color box that was 80 cents a price alone and had varnish and a window and was gold plated with vacuum metalized gold..

well i did a intial run of 5000 and i had OHIO ART Toy run my arst they are inBryan Ohio and made the etch a sketch and also are a metal litography company..they said i was the 1st to follow thru and even said design toys for us..but it was 1989 andi was like 30 something i thought what do i know about toys.. So the bank was met with mixed reviews..asit was so light empty..all along i pictured it filled with cins andthoughpeople could save money and then go see a film and the coins would add weight...well so one day I se Jel Siegal the movie reviewer on God morning amareica,, he gave one of my banks to a actress amdshe takesot ad says wow its so light andlikefloted it abover her head, i wa in shock....

so I sold 3000 of teh 5 to Paramount as when my moldmaker madethe sculpt he allow a space incase i wanted to mint a clock where the reel the gy is holding was located..well we put the paramount logo on it and they looked very col i also filled the base with liquid plaster soit created the ballast and weight we needed ...I got 10,oo each so i recouped my 30k off that order alone..

theni sold the other 2000 for 5.00 each..soanother 10K.. so didnt make a million but it was fun..i still have the cast bronze mold that will runa million parts but need a new molder andi trew out the 6k worth when i moved..sad...// lesson was i should have test marketed them better ,however its hard with a item that needs special mold and tooling,,,,and graphic/packaging..the cool part is it hold exactly 15 oz of calgon bath oil i thought perhaps a few hollywood hotels would love it as a give away to clients,,or it could be used as a freebee at oscar partys,premires.. etc...the idea was to make somethingthat gave kids and adults alike that feel of old hollywood..I would love to offer them again maybein a theme park or something i did them in 1989 so what almost 30years ago...

wheni made my directors megaphone..i was told the will never sell as also my movie real clock...well i sold 1000s andwhenthey bootleg you you knw its good..i would say..take my megaphone and put it on yoursdesk,se how long it take befoore the peopelcomein pick it up and say quite on thest.or action!!
it never failed and is how i sold 1000s as it sold itself..

I suck as a salesmena..really but wheni have passion and love what iam doing its addictive as others love the same stuff and thats whn i get a my mind all it is is dealing with the child in us...tats why i relate as i loved the same stuff you all do ,get the same ush and loveto entertain and make people happy...sometimes it works sometimes i flop sa bad i dont even believe it..but he key is getting back inthe saddle again..evenn if they haveto hoist you into it.. why i keep going isin testimont andsupport ofall those you altold me parents,kids, grandparents,,all he actrs andindustry peple that suffered for the art..andhe creators... I really have never known what the hell im even doing...I hold no degree,,s i cant spell and im a wiredo ,,but i love wierdos..if you are one you will be a great friend...asmy fave peple have been considerd nutballs... and i love them as they are honest nutballs.

and most of the famous ones ive met tell emthey are just as sirprised they made it..but the cmmon connection is they loveto help others as the suffering taught them howt Love and respect and share with others.. thats what ive learned and what I also want to pay forward and share with peple ..I amat the tail end or maybethe start of life..i dont even know as ive been up and down so many times i fotgot which way iam going,, but colsanders didnt even start KFC till he was 65 and raycrioc was liek 55-60..ill be 61..somaybei can helpa few people before i leave tis pop stand...that would be fun..i hel sales eps alotabout customer service..because i lve serving eple and making eple hapy more themprofitmargin..hat expains why i invested into people rather then stuff....i have a few fave is from its a wonderful life whenat the end it says mark twains book _"no man is a failure who has friends" snd its only becaue of friend ive been allowed to still be in business and i thank you all.. and famil and God..

so I hope you will all keep buying my stuff as i have alot andim trying to not leave a big mess for my son and others whenits time to check out same walt said.Its kind of fun doig the impossible" so im jst as in shock as should have seen me yesterday lifting boxes of 200 roled one sheets at ups ,,wvenheloader said they are heavy !!!!im not in my 30s anymore but i did it foot was like what the hell man...what are you thinking...:) can live dieing and worrying and stressed or you can live living with all you can and giving it all until the plug gets pulled.. I am thankful for the adversity as it teaches us so much..have a good day and ill have many things for sale on ebay...posetrs books etc...projectors..films..stils..from the 1900s-on up to like 90 years of motion picture history andi was able to be in 40 of them so lucky is that??

On 2017-07-26 11:43, Michael Danese wrote:
Hi everyone - I finally had time to play with the "talking poster"
sound device that I got from Tom at Hollywood Dream Factory.
It is so cool!  Sure, you can record movie related things, but you can
also record other messages too!  I recorded myself saying, "How ya
doin" baby!" and left it in the kitchen.  When my wife walked by it
talked and she died laughing.
I can't wait to try it on the kids!

I encourage you to reach out to Tom and buy one!


Michael Danese

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