sounds like a get smart or mission impossible you could mount them in a car.

clever ideas Michael i love hearing how these simple things bring smiles..I think the general public has no idea what i am talking about...

jus thought of Deniros like-"You talkng to me?? are you talkin to me??" LOL:)

On 2017-08-04 10:17, Michael Danese wrote:
As a follow up, I recorded a message for the grandkids (ages 6 and 3
year old twins)

 And it was a laugh riot! I his the speaker in a plant with a message
of "Be good ala ET. They were astounded and gobsmacked!

Thanks again!

Michael Danese

Susan Heim
SENT: Friday, August 4, 2017 10:00 AM
SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] Talking poster is awesome!

Hey Tom,

 Sue here.....I think it's great. I have thought of several
applications for it but have yet to implement it. I have been swamped
for the past two weeks with a large volume account framing order, plus
my regular collector's framing, and I have been dealing with a large
movie poster sale that just closed about a week ago. So, in my
semi-retirement move to Washington, I am busier than ever. I'm in a
new house so trying to figure out where I will put it and I've been
telling everyone I know about it and asking opinions on what clip to

 I loved Michael's story about his wife.....but all my kids are grown
and gone so the only thing I could do is record a cat meowing to drive
my dogs crazy!! Anyway, I think you said you had put some on ebay.
What is your ebay name? If you send me an information sheet, I will
include it in the boxes of frames I ship......let me know......glad
everyone is having fun with it and it sounds like an overwhelming
success. Thank you for sending me one.....

Sue Heim

Hollywood Poster Frames


FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tom Martin
SENT: Friday, August 4, 2017 1:39 PM
SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] Talking poster is awesome!

very creative mr.Wils
Ill take note of tat and investigate

but while im thinking of it...
 afew of you never commented on thier samples..likeSue Heim and Bruce

I was hoping they would give thier opion asthey are in the poster
forefront of people and sue makes either they think my per

project sucks or they think it has no merit or both..

mayebe they have become to jaded to laugh at my crazuy ideas,,or maybe

they just looked at it and said noooooooo nooooo just no..

either way I gigle just thinking about bruce opening his as i recorded

eatwood saying goahread make my day on his..I forget what i put On
but i tried to gve everyone a sample so they could hear something..

I also wat to thank anyones whos been buying my stuff on ebay...i am
happy to say ive done verwell weith exception ofa few things sisnt
or got low bids...but many got decet bids..i havea Gooonies thats at
91.00 as i speak andfor some reason Tesas chaninsaw 2 has interest

I also sold several projectors anda spiderweb machine andthe oddist
thing ii sold was a skull made of foam that only sold for 99cents and
cost 24/95to ship by po as it was so light they chardgesd dimentional a ipacked it i thouht well i lost on this one..but
it likeits the hope didmnd as this cudtomer may order down theroad
something i make money on...but ill admot i laughed at myself as i
not even see how i could flub upp so bad..

the other mistake i made was a buyer boughta poster and its a big
canada dealer who i knew was a solid i pacjked amd shipped

it before tehye paid me..i was so giddy as i was hapy to get a sale
them..then i discpvered they also had bids on 2 more posters they

wanted a combo shippingas they are flat folded one sheet..soo they one

one for guess?? 99 i though now what do i do?? soi hope they

win the 3rd one so i can pack all together or ill need to send it
as it was my mistake...

my lessons have been many but people sem happy so far as ive been more

focused on them then my bottom line....the post office people are
seriusly rolling onthe foor..i said you are my witnesses i cant make
this up!!! 1st the postmaster thought it was funny i fix my clcks
free....then she thought why do you send these free samlesto UK,
france,and all oeer USA ...then they see me sell foam skulls for 99 its been a hoot for them too andits becomea running joke
much can Tol lose on his orders and busines.....LOL:)

while hershedon boosts sale of 5 million...i hold ther record for
about the same in my buesines with all my blunders...and sometimes by
the same mistakes,,i actually make money..then i figure out keen ways
to andinvest in goofyideas...

But I will say this as im almost 61 I have had a lot of fu serving
people..and hearing the storys how this old stuff makes peoples
mom orderd theprojector for her 17 year old don..andi was so happy as
could be the next spielberg..andso even though she gota 5000 projector

for 77.00 the thrill i got from thinking its a new filmmaker
andremebering how much wheni was his age i wanted a projector made it
all good...I just hope the thing works as it did when it left but
shipping cantake its tool on boxes...i pack well as i been doing this
years..but anything can haeppne esp inmy world...LOL:)

I think iltake a break and recoup..i also had a mopop dealer member
order a 100 pice lot of rolled one sheets andi trried to give hia
wideselection they where vdeo posters and i didnt relize how old my
stuff i had the exorsist, savng private ryan,,casablnca,Gwtw,
horror liekscream andmanymany great titles so i spent about 10 hours
pulling it andthought wow... therehas been many cool movies i forgot
about as they are all pre -2000 ,,then i thought Tom even 2000 was 17
years ago,,,where the hell have you been???To some peoplethis is
stuff..and its all new never sed untouched even by mesince about 2000
i have stuff hevey in70s 80s andsome90s..
I always say thank God i didnt sellfreah prodce or i would have never
lasted this get some deals buy some stuff andenjoy and die
laughing as thats the way to go

one of my favorite scenes ina movie is in Its a mad mad mad mad world
whenat the end after all these guys have sufferd so long trying to get

the money..ethal merman walks into the hospital as they are all
and she slipps ona bana peal..and falls on her butt andthey all burst
into laughter...

so if my lfe can make all you out there have some giggles and laughs
inthis crazy world..theni would be honored and happy to know that as
laughing along wth you aat me...I amaze myself how i can get into so
many crazy situations...
havea great eekedn folks and thansk so much for the biz...
and hope i can serve you in thefuture....

btw even my reprints i found are from the 80s and90s and are most out
print so its funny as they have become colectible inthier own righti
guess...soem of the best stuffi thought gets little interest and
the stuff i never even liked has got the best i shows in
years i never really learned a thing about posters or movie
tatsets....hahah so the last laugh is on me..LOL

alsoedison once said he didnt invent he stumble across things onhis
to another thing..thast all im doing is stmbling aroun..cant speel,
do computer stuff for beens cant see..but so far i can still
pack....glad i remembered something...andthe best one is i can still
laughat myself as i am one odd looney tune..Mel blance is proud of me
sure!! good day and cheers

On 2017-08-04 08:56, filip de volder wrote:
Great !

Tom , you read that ? his wife died laughing !

forget about this talking movie posters thing , these should be
distributed in retirement homes and hospitals , hardly any of the
current 7.5 billion people collect movie posters right ? but they're
all gonna die , we're talking billions of dollars here , everybody
wants to die laughing , all car owners will buy one , you get in an
accident , punctured lung , bleeding to death , just press the
that will play your prerecorded " die laughing" (TM) message , you
record anything Trump said over the last year and off you go in a
laughing fit



FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Michael
Danese <>
SENT: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 5:43 PM
SUBJECT: [MOPO] Talking poster is awesome!

Hi everyone - I finally had time to play with the "talking poster"
sound device that I got from Tom at Hollywood Dream Factory.
It is so cool! Sure, you can record movie related things, but you
also record other messages too! I recorded myself saying, "How ya
doin" baby!" and left it in the kitchen. When my wife walked by it
talked and she died laughing.
I can't wait to try it on the kids!

I encourage you to reach out to Tom and buy one!


Michael Danese

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