dmb and Arlo,

    Curious.  Do you really think Obama is going to 
change this fascist slide?  His interests are easy to 
see, too.  He voted for the bailout.  He's for gun control.  
This is way over Obama's head, and he's going to have 
a difficult time changing anything in Washington even 
if Obama still has a glimmering morsel of morality left 
in him.


From: david buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:20:29 PM
Subject: Re: [MD] growth and sustainability

Right. To quote one of McCain's red-meat warm up acts at a recent campaign 
event, "liberals hate real americans". He denied saying any such thing, then 
when the video tape hit the national airwaves he denied ever denying it. A 
Republican representative recently suggested - on national TV - that the 
liberals in congress ought to be investigated for their anti-American 
activities. Of course this McCarthyism has been around since before McCarthy 
was born. These are the same types who put Pirsig on their shit list half a 
century ago back in Montana. History is just background information about the 
present moment and some people around here seem sorely in need of a history 
lesson or two. Wake up and smell the fascism, sheeple.

> Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 17:03:37 -0400
> Subject: Re: [MD] growth and sustainability
> [DMB to Platt]
> Think. It's patriotic.
> [Arlo]
> Following the 2004 elections, many aired legitimate complaints to 
> warrant at the LEAST an investigation into voter fraud. At THAT time, 
> anyone who even SUGGESTED the idea was branded an anti-American 
> traitor. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly the 
> idea of voter fraud is HUGE. This is American politics, where not 
> only does it ONLY matter when "that evil other team does it", but in 
> fact "it's only them who does it". The Wikipedia entry on "Voter 
> fraud" has compiled much data on this. Make no mistake, voter fraud 
> whether perpetrated by the libs or the cons is a threat to democracy, 
> but to condemn it, nay acknowledge the possibility of it occurring 
> only from "that evil other party" is part and parcel of that same evil.
> [DMB to Platt]
> Seems like you hate the government, except when it involves the 
> actions of unethical conservatives.
> [Arlo]
> You miss the point, DMB. Its impossible to have "unethical 
> conservatives". Libs lie, cons don't. Libs use propaganda, cons 
> simply speak the truth. Libs hate America, cons love it. Libs want to 
> see dead American soldiers, cons support our troops. Libs steal, 
> cheat, use underhanded methods, play dirty and slap babies, cons are 
> honest, virtuous, noble, baby-loving citizens. Libs have "fancy, 
> elitist dinners", cons have "fundraisers". Libs are arrogant, cons 
> are humble. Libs manipulate by the leftist media, cons have open and 
> fair dialogue on talk-radio. Libs "hate real Americans", cons ARE 
> real Americans. And on and on and on and on... This is the only 
> dialogue Platt has ever offered, from the time I signed on to the 
> present day. Does it really surprise you that he's squalking the 
> Hannity "voter fraud" lines du jour? Does it really surprise you that 
> he turns a blind eye to accusations made against his own party? 
> C'mon... the wing-nuts have merely moved their vitriol into 
> hyperdrive as the election looms. You should try turning on Hannity 
> or Limbaugh for an hour (if you can stomach the stupidity), it is a 
> level of fear, anger and venom that has reached an all time record, 
> but that "base" is really showing its true colors for sure. I'm 
> guessing even McCain is embarrassed by the people who he's supposed 
> to be courting. Sad.
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