Hi Andre, 

> I liked your description of this process..unintended consequences...and I
> am
> just braining off the top of my head: The ' measure' or policy Govt.puts
> into place( enforces/encourages..whatever) i.e. as intellectual PoV,
> when
> put into practice i.e.'translated' into social PoV's starts to lead a
> life
> of its own and indeed develops into creating/pointing to unintended
> consequences.

An interesting observation -- one I hadn't thought about before -- 
intellectual patterns intended to improve social patterns squashed by the 
"Giant" and then remolded for its own purposes. Since intellectuals don't 
recognize the MOQ's competing moral levels much less the power of the 
Giant, they remain clueless, wondering why their carefully engineered 
programs to correct the unintended consequences of their original plans are 
also become disasters, ad infinitum. Case in point: the current government 
bail out to correct the unintended consequences of the government housing 
assistance program.     

> Is this an example of how some Int.PoV's are 'out-of-touch' with Soc
> PoV's?

Precisely -- except eliminate "some."  The "out of touch" comes from 
intellectuals trying to improve society being ignorant of the MOQ 

> Put plainly: are we talking about a huge generation gap here?
> A case of one not understanding or misunderstanding the other?

I don't see it as a problem between the younger and older generations 
because neither know about much less adopted the MOQ as their worldview. 
SOM continues to reign.

Misunderstandings between generations is largely due to gaps in learning 
from life experiences -- the idealism of youth vs. the wisdom of age.


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