
    Looks like the issue is a bit deeper... as I said earlier 
I only had one source and haven't delved into 
researching this topic that much, so, it would seem 
apparent much else is going on than might be 
readily known to the public for the moment when 
it comes to Acorn.

hope whatever comes out of this is moral,

From: Platt Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:30:40 PM
Subject: Re: [MD] growth and sustainability

> [Arlo]
> Following the 2004 elections, many aired legitimate complaints to 
> warrant at the LEAST an investigation into voter fraud. At THAT time, 
> anyone who even SUGGESTED the idea was branded an anti-American 
> traitor. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly the 
> idea of voter fraud is HUGE. This is American politics, where not 
> only does it ONLY matter when "that evil other team does it", but in 
> fact "it's only them who does it".. The Wikipedia entry on "Voter 
> fraud" has compiled much data on this. Make no mistake, voter fraud 
> whether perpetrated by the libs or the cons is a threat to democracy, 
> but to condemn it, nay acknowledge the possibility of it occurring 
> only from "that evil other party" is part and parcel of that same evil.

>From the NY Times: 

"Acorn Report Raises Issues of Legality
October 21, 2008

"An internal report by a lawyer for the community organizing group Acorn 
raises questions about whether the web of relationships among its 174 
affiliates may have led to violations of federal laws.

"The group, formally known as the Association of Community Organizations 
for Reform Now, has been in the news over accusations that it is involved 
in voter registration fraud, charges it says are overblown and politically 

"Republicans have tried to make an issue of Senator Barack Obama´s ties to 
the group, which he represented in a lawsuit in 1995. The Obama campaign 
has denied any connection with Acorn´s voter registration drives.

"The June 18 report, written by Elizabeth Kingsley, a Washington lawyer, 
spells out her concerns about potentially improper use of charitable 
dollars for political purposes; money transfers among the affiliates; and 
potential conflicts created by employees working for multiple affiliates, 
among other things." (more)

>From some, bombast. From others, evidence.

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