
Nice post.

You seem to rightly pick up on the rather rough and
unfinished "blockiness" that comes out of the discussion
I presented.  It is largely due to the fact that the terminology 
and 'derived understanding' is from SOM oriented work.

At this point we cannot avoid that and it often leads to 
unintended implications, some of which you seem to
have extrapolated in your analysis of my statements.

One such implication is the classic mind-body problem.
When I first heard about it I knew that it was a statement
similar to Xeno's Paradox, in effect a clever misstatement
of intellectual play at odds with the reality of the world.

I was unable then to articulate why that was the case,
but for me there never was a mind-body problem.

You discuss a divide of emotion and reason or cognition
(to avoid using the word intellect  doubly) into different
levels.  Emotion=Social : Reason=Intellect.

I believe that  the four words above are SOM conditioned 
and they don't divide as cleanly as the structure above shows.
(The question now is how to show what I mean.)

Human social structures vary highly in their ornateness and 
complexity.  Some of it deliberately engineered and some 
more loosely and pragmatically develop.

-Japanese Culture to an American looks highly complex.
   (Though much simplified from what it was. if what my
     Japanese acquaintances have related to me about 
     changes is accurate)

-American Culture developed more quickly and stayed
  relatively 'flat' structurally. 

It would seem that the resident of Japan would spend 
considerable time using reason in 'encoding/decoding' 
the meaning of their own and other's actions.  It is
a cognitively demanding culture.

American culture is more likely to allow a person to 
just ask.  "What did you mean by that?" , then after
they get an answer, it's off to tune-up the motorcycle.
American Culture frees one up from the complex 
calculus required by some cultures and we don't 
waste time (from our perspective), freeing us to
apply reason to other pursuits. 

That would be one example of an unclean cleavage of
social versus intellect when it comes to reason.  Not
surprising since intellect rises from and is dependent 
on the social matrix.

Oh the tangles, kinks and weaving-together-of that we
are going to find...


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