I have to agree, with reservations.  I think our profession is going to be 
gone as a profession if something doesn't change.  And it'll go with "a 
whimper not a bang."  Too many with integrity and intelligence just plain 
won't be able to stand seeing that script one more time.  They'll go.  And 
the ones left?  They'll be the ones who cruise in 10 minutes before school 
to take up their post and administer the day.

Well, I also think teachers have allowed this to happen. It is not only
the decision-makers who have taken leave of their senses.... it is a
great number of teachers in the trenches as well. There are a lot of
teachers who *like* DIBELS, who *like* Open Court, who *like* SRA, who
*like* Success for All, who *like* Star Reading, who *like* computer
tests, who *like* Saxon Math, who *like* Excel Math, who *like*
programs that tell them what to do, who *like* assessments that give
them a number to go by.

And way too many teachers who don't like these programs but who just go
along and do whatever they are told without thinking about it, without
speaking up, without making a case for something better.

Way, way too many, in fact.
At least that's how it is where I live.


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