On Jul 10, 2007, at 10:26 PM, Beverlee Paul wrote:

> I have to agree, with reservations.  I think our profession is going 
> to be
> gone as a profession if something doesn't change.  And it'll go with "a
> whimper not a bang."  Too many with integrity and intelligence just 
> plain
> won't be able to stand seeing that script one more time.  They'll go.  
> And
> the ones left?  They'll be the ones who cruise in 10 minutes before 
> school
> to take up their post and administer the day.

Well, I certainly agree with this, and in fact I would venture to say 
that there are some folks out there who are actively working for this 
to happen. All the writers of NCLB may not have intended this, but it's 
the result.

Those teachers who would speak out need to be supported in staff 
meetings. I can't tell you the number of times I have spoken up, been 
the ONLY one who has spoken up, and everyone else just sits silently, 
so some wackadoodle thing gets pushed through, and then later four or 
five people will come to me privately and tell me they agreed with me.

What is the matter with people?

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