Our district does that with the Reading First mentality, especially in the
primary grades.  When the literacy coaches (reading police) come around all
in a certain grade level need to be on the same page.  At my last school the
Reading First folks from the state told the teachers that they should be
able to go from room to room and see the same lesson.  The teachers are
expected to carry the TE around with them and be referring to it.  One
teacher at my last school came in one morning and the furniture had been
rearranged by the lit. coach because she didn't agree with the teacher's
philosophy.  We, as teachers, are being set up for failure.

In my 5th and 6th grades, I got sneaky, keeping two set of lesson plans.  I
taught the kids the strategies and the importance of reading.  I used the
text for mini lessons only.  I kept the textbooks on the table and taught
the kids to pick them up when the admin. came in.  I finally had to escape
elementary to get rid of that.  Ironically, in now in 7th grade, I see the
results of that sort of teaching.  The kids get have a horrible time reading
and comprehending, among many other bad attitudes.  We won't even discuss

Please remember that it is not your fault that you can't meet the needs of
your kids.  The politicos that sit in the cushy chairs don't have a clue.
We cover their butts.  Since there is no trust, they give us the script,
just so they can say they did everything they could.  It has to be the kids'
fault they aren't reading, or the teachers' fault.  It certainly can't be
the program's fault.  Everything you say is true.  And yes, any monkey off
the street can follow the script.

How do we fight this?  We keep up the good fight.  We get the kids to read
and LOVE it.  We point out to the parents what works and get them to watch
their children.  We get on the committees and leadership teams.  We go to
the board meetings at the district and state level.  We get our voices out
there.  We talk to people.  Try to convince them to change their votes.  We
keep reading and stay on top of the current research.  Stay informed.

> In a message dated 7/21/2007 8:13:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> Wow! I  thought we were the only school that heard the word "fidelity"!
> Not
> only that,  but we are required to keep the teacher's manual  with us at
> all
> times.
> Not only I'm I not meeting the needs of 90%  of my students but I feel I'm
> ZAPPING the joy of reading right out of  the students - all of them!
> Cathleen
> PS  I hate blue dots!  (You  know, from the teacher's manual that tell you
> when to stop and  talk.)
> >From Jane:
> That is AWFUL!!  Why pay someone with a teaching degree?  It  sounds like
> they could hire people who don't even have a diploma as long as they  can
> read
> the teacher's manual.
> We have new standards in SC and I have spent many hours this
> summer  revising
> my curriculum (also incorporating more of the comprehension
> strategies)  and
> loving every minute of it!  I am totally on my own to teach as I want  as
> long
> as I cover the standards, and there is really no one paying
> attention  that I
> do that! I really feel for those of you who are not allowed to make the
> curriculum your own.  I feel for your children, too.  Through no fault  of
> your
> own, you are not allowed to meet their needs.  Jane in SC   :-(
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Kimberlee Hannan
Department Chair
Sequoia Middle School
Fresno, California 93702

Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can't
change, kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give
everything, have no regrets.. Life's too short to be anything but happy.

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