I have been thinking about this post since it came up. When we are teaching 
phonological awareness and phonics, aren't we still teaching meaning? My 
interpretation of what we are doing with this instruction, is always based on 
meaning. A child learns early that sounds put together communicate 
something(mama dada, no). As that develops we help them to hear how those 
sounds are put together to create words, and then knowledge of the symbols that 
create words, again to create meaning, to communicate. We teach them how to 
print so that they can use those symbols to communicate their ideas, making 
meaning. Yes, eventually we want them to put more text together and understand 
at a deeper level, but it takes steps to get us there. I think we always need 
to remember the balance, and meaning is always the goal, instruction just 
changes over time. Yes, once a procedure has been used over a long period of 
time, and that procedure is not working, we need to change the approach. Or 
find out why that approach is not working, is there a physical reason behind 
it? I am of the opinion that all components of reading should be a part of the 
delicate balance of bringing meaning and understanding.

-----Original Message-----
To: mosaic@literacyworkshop.org
Sent: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:55 pm
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] phonemic awareness/segmentation help wanted

In a message dated 6/22/2008 11:22:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Please  explain what a meaning based approach is?  Do you recommend any 
type  of instruction.

Thanks for asking Pat. I was getting kind of  frustrated that all this talk 
about "parts" was going on and no one was talking  about how to help the 
struggling students with the purpose for reading. The  process is so important 
no one was talking about older children thinking  that reading was all about 
letter sounds. Especially on the Mosaic of Thought  listserv. Shouldn't we be 
striving for the children "to understand?" It is  funny. I am also listening to 
the conversation on the "To Understand" list and  it sounds like the people on 
this list and that list are not even talking  about books by the same author! 
As far as I know there is no research that  supports teaching synthetic 
phonics to students over first grade. Even the  National Reading Panel report 
that. And recently the Reading First Impact  study came out and said that none 
of the millions and millions of dollars spent  on teaching the "parts" 
programs have helped children comprehend at ALL. 
    My question about a meaning based approach was  because I was kind of 
shocked by the responses to the question. I was hoping  that someone would jump 
in and make some suggestions about using miscue or  retrospective miscue with 
these students. I have found that most kids by fourth  grade aren't going to be 
helped by more phonics. My guess is, as Dorothy Watson  says, they are 
probably over phonicating. I don't have the email right in front  of me, but if 
recall, the original poster said the students were reading  nonsense words. If 
that is the case, they need a lot of instruction about what  reading really is!
    I would tape the kids. Have them listen to the  tapes of their reading 
either by themselves or with a partner. Have them do  reader response to the 
books.  I would have them to lots of Reader's  Theater. I also asked about 
writing. I would have them writing most of the  instructional time. Of course 

would have to be purposeful writing. Like have  them write Reader's Theater 
scripts for the Junie B. Jones books to perform for  a first or second grade 
Have them buddy up with a younger class and read  to them. Have them make 
tapes for a kindergarten listening center. 
    You don't HAVE to know phonics to read! Try a  different approach. Think 
outside the box. What they have had so far didn't  work. 
Nancy Creech

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