Hello all...first off I want to thank you all!  I have been a "voyer"  
and fan of this listserv for a while.  You are all so knowledgeable  
and it is great to read about your experiences!  I am breaking my "no  
school work until July" rule because I am interested in your thoughts  
about something.  I spent the last school year teaching kindergarten  
for the first time.  What a trip!  I had been a first grade teacher  
for many years before and mistakingly thought "how hard can  
Kindergarten be?" I am sure that many kindergarten teachers are out  
there right now laughing at me. :)  I am currently reading The  
Literate Kindergarten by Susan Kempton and am loving it.  I am curious  
about your thoughts on how to start a reading and writing workshop in  
kindergarten.  Keeping in mind that we have a "literacy lab" pull out  
for an hour a day for my lowest readers and I have been SLOWLY trying  
to break out of the "letter of the week" system that my team uses.   


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