I have my 2nd graders write letters after a lot of modeling, and their feedback 
is usually positive.  However you have caught my attention with the tic-tac-toe 
idea.  What are some things you would put in the tic-tac-toe board for them to 
choose from?  I like the idea of it but am unsure of what to put in it.  Could 
you share some ideas for this?  Thanks!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 4:16 AM
  Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Reading Response Journals

  How about a checklist or a tic-tac toe type list? Giving them a choice might 
help them to be more motivated. I talked with a former student of mine a while 
back and I asked him what he liked the most and least about my class. He gave 
me things he liked but one thing he hated. "I hated those stupid letters we 
always had to write."  I have since then given them more choices and it seems 
to make it more interesting for them.
  -------------- Original message from "Yingling" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>: -------------- 

  > I am struggling to get my students to write quality letters within their 
  > reader's notebooks. It's December and they are still simply giving me 
  > summaries. I ask them questions and give comments in my letters back to 
  > them yet most of my kids aren't responding to my questions/comments. I've 
  > gone to giving the kids grades and their grades don't even seem to motivate 
  > some of them to do better. We've written sample letters together, I've 
  > shown them examples, I've written examples for them, I've given them letter 
  > starters. What do I do next? The kids seem to just want me to give them 
  > worksheets to complete - they don't want to think. 
  > Help please, 
  > Jenni 
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