It isn't that the feds NEED programs and other methods of teaching reading to be testing quantitatively. It is that they WANT them to be. When the National Reading Panel met, they started out by systematically throwing out all research that didn't meet their overall, already-established phonics-first philosophy, then went on to use terms like "scientifically proven" to drive home their goal of turning classrooms back into what they remembered from the 1950's, with the teacher in charge of "delivering instruction" and turning Whole Language into a divisive, politicized term based on lies, myths, and, at best, misunderstanding of the process. NCLB functions under the philosophy of a "daddy knows best" kind of paradigm, where everything is "either/or" and "good/bad" and children are reduced to numbers, rankings, and ratings while teachers are demeaned, deprofessionalized, and defeated, perhaps in the hope that public school as we know it will bite the dust and privatization can rise up in the education field. All this from an administration which consistently altered scientific research in other areas, such as global warming and environmental standards, in order to reward big business with more money and more power. In the education field, big business has been rewarded mightily by NCLB. Follow the money.

As for "scripted instruction".... well, frankly, I think the phrase is an oxymoron.


On Feb 20, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Kristin Mitchell wrote:

Elisa and others,

I've been following this conversation with much interest (as I'm sure many are!) and I think I've already piped in with this, but I need to bring it up again (it's possible I never did in the first place, I'm almost 6 months pregnant and I left my brain at about 8 weeks!). Last month's issue of The Reading Teacher had an article about SSR (which for me is simply Independent's what kids do while I do guided reading). For me, the premise of the article was how federal dollars will most likely never be used to support something like SSR because they cannot do "medical research" to PROVE that it works. Even though I've seen test scores go up from a group that got "Guided Reading" using their SS textbooks (I wish I were kidding) their entire 5th grade year. As 6th graders they recieved Guided Reading and lots of choice independent reading time from me and their reading scores went up. While this is not "reasearch" that can prove anything, it's pretty strong evidence for me to continue how I teach reading to upper grades.

Unfortunately, the feds need programs and other methods of teaching reading to be tested quantitatively. Which, is not a reality in schools. There is no fair playing field when it comes to research on teaching reading. Until "outsiders" (non educators who direct our policies whether they be gov't or buisness) realize that schools are NOT clinical places where you can have strict control groups this will always be the case. Things like Mosaic of Thought will not have support until someone can magically produce a control group of kids that can be tested "fairly."

I hope I made sense!

 Kristin Mitchell/4th/CO
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Each child is different and deserves different approaches to learning based on a solid philosophy backed up by pedagogical principles and research (expert and teacher).

Elisa Waingort

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