Jennifer, I have a couple of quick questions...
Is the student ELL?  If so, what level?  Maybe the questions are out of her
English Language Development "zone".  If worded differently, she may be able
to answer them?
Also, what reading level is she?

Maybe she doesn't know how to put her thoughts into words?  Response
starters could be used,  or scaffold the questions until she can respond to
the one you want her to.  This does take time.
Unless we reach into our students¹ hearts, we have no entry into their
-Regie Routman
> Now...Let's talk comprehension...the purpose of our listserv. I have a
> question for all the wonderful minds on this list.
> I just picked up a new little girl on my caseload today. When reading with
> her a couple of things became obvious to me. One: She isn't thinking about
> reading. (We all know what to do about that---time to pull out Strategies That
> Work...Reading With Meaning etc etc.) BUT another problem I detected is that
> she  doesn't seem to understand the questions posed to her by me or the other
> children...particularly questions that start with why and how. It really
> affects  how she interacts with other children when they are discussing text.
> I want to teach her how to comprehend questions and was thinking about
> applying comprehension strategies to the genre of questions.
> Can you all help me think this through?
> Jennifer

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