Very nicely said. It's great that you were able to see the benefits from the perspective of teacher and parent. Congrats to your son on his Bar Mitzvah and for putting all those pieces together. ----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 1:33 PM
Subject: [MOSAIC] Reading Recovery

It has been interesting following the discussion on Reading Recovery
and some ot its perceived pros and cons.? Unfortunately, making
generalities does not come close to depicting how RR can forever change
the course of a child's life. It was somewhat ironic to me that my own
son needed RR, especially since he was read to in utero and exposed to
print both at home in preschool.? His first grade teacher insisted that
he was fine, but the OS showed he did not know how to use all the bits
and pieces he had learned.? With the help and expertise of my mentor
and LOTS of patience, the light went on.? I will never forget that
moment.? While he only reads sports related material to this day, he
made his bar mitzvah,can read Hebrew, and is now in college.? Had he
not learned to read, I am not sure how he would have survived and
progressed in his school.

If a student exits from RR and begins to tank in second grade, perhaps we
need to ask ourselves if the classroom reading program is best suited
to that child.? Could it be that some students need something different
from most students in that class?? RR teaches a teacher how to think
and plan for each child, and this thinking and expertise might be
beneficial for some children throughout their education.?

I am presently teaching ESL in another state and have found my RR
training to be invaluable in planning and teaching my students.? My
goal is not simply to teach English, but to build literacy while
teaching English.? RR has taught me how to think to target instruction
for my students and stay in their ZPD.? The regular classroom teachers
are thrilled with the support, accelerated student progress, and
meaningful referrals when needed.

RR has honed my thinking and teaching and as a result, hundreds of
students have benefitted from either my 1:1 RR lessons or classroom
instruction.? Most importantly, as I think about each child, I am
always reminded that each of these kids is someone's child and like my
son, they are entitled to the best of the best instruction.? RR has
made that possible.

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