Beverlee- I just kept chuckling as I read your post -although it probably
isn't funny to you.
This reminds me of politicians who just keep repeating the same words
without explaining anything.
She did didn't get it did she?  Obviously she doesn't know the difference
between the two either.  Why is the advantage plan an advantage?  I will be
going down this road in a few years and I already have a headache!

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your
-Albert Einstein
"*If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward,
then we are a sorry lot indeed.*" Albert Einstein

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Beverlee Paul <>wrote:

> Oh, Ellin, Ellin, Ellin ... and Jamika!  I think I *understand*.  I so
> wanted you both with me the past few days as I've tried SO HARD to
> UNDERSTAND Medicare, Parts A, B, C, D; BC/BS/ United/, formularies,
> original
> medicare, Advantage plans, PPO, LMXYZ and whatever other letters could be
> strung together to make nonsense!!!  Jamika, I'm with you, girl!  I could
> barely restrain myself from saying to the 43rd (or so) chirpy Senior Health
> Insurance Information Program counselor:  "But, none a y'all ever say what
> make sense mean."
> chirpy lady:  Well, honey, there are two parts:  do you want Original
> Medicare or Medicare Advantage?
> me: I don't know.  That's why I called!!  (you and the other 12 girls: an
> aside)  Could you help me understand what the difference is between the
> two?
> chirpy lady:  Well, dear, the Original Medicare is what was original.  And
> Medicare Advantage is an advantage.  Now do you understand.
> me:  No, I don't.  Could you please give me an understanding of what would
> make one choose one or the other?
> chirpy lady:  Well, it would depend on whether you wanted Original Medicare
> or Medicare Advantage.  Would you like me to send a booklet to you?
> me:  No, I have several books.  I've read them all three times (true!) and
> I
> don't really understand the advantages of each.  What kind of a person
> would
> want Original rather than Advantage?
> chirpy lady:  Well, I guess that would be someone who wanted the Original.
>  I have some website links I could send you after I get them from my office
> assistant.  Would that help you?
> me:  Well, let's see.  Could you please tell me what characteristics about
> a
> person would make them take Medicare Advantage?  It would really help me if
> you could tell me with different words, because I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!
> chirpy lady:  You know, it just occurred to me that a counselor from
> western
> Nebraska would be able to help someone like you more.
> me:  Well, let me get my boots and spurs on and I'll ride on over to the
> office.  Of course, it is 250 miles away.
> chirpy lady:  Well, you could come to Grand Island, that part of western
> Nebraska, would that be closer?
> me:  Well, I think my map would indicate that GI was not even in the
> western
> TWO-THIRDS of the state.  It would be a 320 mile trip, and that might take
> me and my steed a few days.
> chirpy lady:  I have an idea!!  I could send you a diagram of Original
> Medicare and Medicare Advantage.  Do you think a diagram would help?
> me:  I HAVE DIAGRAMS!!!  I need more words.  I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!
> not-so-chirpy lady:  SWEETHEART, let's review!!  Now, what is it again that
> the Original Medicare is for?  Original Medicare is for people who want
> original Medicare.  Who would want original Medicare?  People who want
> Original Medicare.  What People?  Yes, people who want Original Medicare.
>  Did that help?
> me:  NO!!!!!  I want to know what OM is!!  Then I would also be able to
> figure out Medicare Advantage!
> very-little-chirpiness lady:  (sigh)  All right.  I'll review that one more
> time.  If you can say it with a 13 % error rate, you'll UNDERSTAND.  Okay,
> get ready.  Medicare Advantage plans are wanted by people who want Medicare
> Advantage Plans.  Who would want MA plans?  People who want Medicare
> Advantage.  What people?  Yes, people who want Medicare Advantage.  Now you
> get it.
> me:  *WHICH PERSON AM I?????????????*  And why?
> very-chirpy-lady:  Oh, my goodness, darling, look at the time.  We here in
> eastern Nebraska go to  lunch at Central Daylight Time 12:00.  It's only
> 11:00 way out there.  You know, Mountain Daylight Time.  Do you understand
> it's not regular Mountain Time?  Oh, look at the clock.  Let me give you
> someone to help you that's in your ZONE!!  Thanks for asking; I was very
> happy to help you today.  GO HUSKERS!!!
> Jamika, Jamika, Jamika:  Where are you when I need you?  I tried to tell
> them that "none a y'all ever say what make sense" but they just don't get
> it.
> Well, I'd better get back to my book.  I'm going to outline the *Medicare &
> You*, and make a glossary.  And I think I'll make myself some little
> flashcards, too, so I can remember the vocabulary.  If I still don't get
> it,
> I think I'll put it on my IPod so I can listen to it more.  I guess I just
> haven't read it enough.
> Or, Ellin, could you please just tell me which one to take??
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Ellin Keene <
> >wrote:
> > At the end of each chapter in Mosaic of Thought, there is a definition
> for
> > the strategy described in the chapter. If you email me off the list I'm
> > happy to send them to you as a single attachment and go into a bit more
> of
> > the history/research behind strategy instruction, though the bibliography
> > in
> > Mosaic may help you.
> > Best,
> > ellin
> >
> >
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