I'd like to add disclaimers to my last post as well.  First, this experience
in non competitive learning, learning based almost entirely on intrinsic
motivation, came in my 23rd year of teaching.  It was what I've called one
of several what I call "born again" experiences in my teaching where I had
huge huge aha's, not just the slow incremental learning.  And second, I have
to say that it was easier to come to that radical change being in a school
which was based on those assumptions in general.  IT would have been harder
working upstream against kids who had been trained by extrinsic rewards
through the years.  It would have been harder being the odd person out if
other teachers weren't also following much the same philosophy in general.
Will say, once changed, I could never go back!

On 4/11/12 7:03 AM, "Renee" <phoenix...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Disclaimer:  This is an opinion. Mine.

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