Take Heart in the number of individuals that understand your plight.I too
have lived it.  I was hired and functioned cooperatively with
administration in implementing a responsive literacy program that was not
publisher -based but built on sound principles and the development of the
teacher. Reading Specialists had a voice.  then the tides turned and I was
written up for speaking up...which was so difficult to understand at the
time.   I've been marginalized when the politics collided with the very
core of my beliefs, training, and experience.  I just got more education
and I stand by my teaching in good conscience.  Despite the arena and
whether or not my knowledge is honored or denied, I wear no straight
jacket.  It is sometimes difficult and discouraging keeping a low profile
when you feel the need to advocate for yourself and children but you can
and will find your way to doing right by kids and living through these
directives and programs.  I have and we are now coming back to a balanced
model without publishers and scripts.   You will too.  Funny thing...those
facilitating this change seems to think it was misguided teachers who fell
into the lure of the published program.  Its no wonder teachers give in to
saying, "Just tell me what to do."  Not because they don't know but
because they have been positioned by others to appear inadequate.  Your
situation is not new but you will see it pass.  Take care.

 Dr. Paula J. Adams

Reading Specialist


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