I don't consider this rambling. I think these stories are important. I think they should be posted on Facebook, shared with parents, other teachers, family members, the community. They should be written as letters to the editor of local and national papers, and included as blog comments when applicable.

The idea that if a child can read, he/she can pass the science portion of the CA Standards test is absolutely ludicrous. No matter how language literate you are, that is not going to help you discuss the water cycle, make decisions about the Periodic Table of Elements, etc. And while I'm at it, who in their right mind decided that the Periodic Table of Elements was good fifth grade material? I personally never heard of the periodic table until I was in high school, and I seem to have functioned pretty well all my life.

I am retired now, but I think it is just a matter of time before some teacher with actual backbone stands up and sues their school district for evaluating them on something they were forced to do. And I will cheer on that day.


On May 27, 2012, at 6:11 PM, Gail wrote:

Last year a professor of Sociology came to a meeting of teachers at my school to discuss implementing Restorative Justice Circles with our students. During the discussion it was put forth that just as children are bullied, so are teachers and so are administrators--including superintendents of school districts. I never thought of our situation as the result of our being bullied. Furthermore last year our DAIT (intervention specialists) team instructed our district to not teach science at all in grades K-5. Their rationale was that we needed to focus on English language development and reading. They said if the 5th grade students could read, then they would pass the science portion of the CA Standards Test. This year we were told that the 5th grade science portion is 20% of our total CST score. I know I'm rambling, but this is a ridiculous game.

"Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people."
~ William Butler Yeats

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