Hieu Hoang wrote:

> The 3rd & 4th columns of the phrase table contain alignment  
> information
> about the words in the phrase. How it is created changed recently.
> However, this information isn't used by the decoder in the main  
> trunk so
> shouldn't affect performance.

OK, so that's a red herring.

> If the performance of the decoder is lower for the same weights, I  
> will be
> very concerned. Can you tell me if this is the case?

No, that's not what's happening.  MERT arrives at different weights  
in the two versions - that's where they start to differ.  With the  
exact same phrase table and reordering model, the two versions start  
diverging with the first iteration of MERT - about a point lower,  
which carries through to the last iteration, and then also a point  
lower evaluating on a held-out devtest.  All of the data is exactly  
the same.

Another difference I forgot about is that our new build is with IRST  
LM, the old one was with SRILM.  Duh, that could very well send MERT  
in a different direction.  I should have thought of that earlier.  We  
may have to rebuild with SRI for me to get a better handle on the  

> Which older version of Moses are you comparing it against?

It's almost exactly a year old, sadly.  What's the easiest way to  
tell what version it is?

Miles asked about the size of the tuning set - it's 812 segments.   
That's not that small, is it?

Thanks for your prompt replies and suggestions.

- John D. Burger

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