JTK wrote:

> Mark Anderson wrote:
>>JTK wrote:
>>>>You're either being paid by Microsoft
>>>Yeah that's the first time I've been accused of that by a religious zealot.
>>Uh, in the defense of the rest of we "religious zealot"s (your words,
>>not mine), Peter Lairo does not speak for us. :)
> Then you are probably not a zealot of which I speak.  The zealots I'm
> referring to will do everything in their power to supress the truth, to
> infringe freedom of speech, to disrupt the free flow of ideas in forums

Mozilla is the epitomy of freedom of speech and free flow of ideas.  It 
is completely open source.  Anyone who wants to may freely view how this 
program was made, something MS is terrified of.  Anyone may contribute 
their work and code to the project, and anyone can use it completely for 
free.  If that isn't freedom of speech, expression, and flow of ideas, I 
don't know what is.

> intended for that very purpose.  And when their power is not equal to
> the task, they are reduced by the hate which consumes them to praying to
> whatever idols they worship for the messengers of that truth and the
> purveyors of that "dangerous knowledge" to be crippled soas to be unable
> to post an URL to IE6.0.

IE6 wouldn't be that bad...  Except it can't open a new window in a 
maximized state.  It also doesn't have nearly the support of standards 
that Mozilla has, and it renders VERY poorly.  I used to have a screen 
shot of IE 5.5 that I found hilarious.  It was a CNet review saying 
IE5.5 is the best browser available and renders perfectly.  It featured 
the text being rendered through the in review screen shots, going past 
the border into another frame.  It was hilarious.

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