JTK wrote:

> Mark Anderson wrote:
>>JTK wrote:
>>>>You're either being paid by Microsoft
>>>Yeah that's the first time I've been accused of that by a religious zealot.
>>Uh, in the defense of the rest of we "religious zealot"s (your words,
>>not mine), Peter Lairo does not speak for us. :)
> Then you are probably not a zealot of which I speak.  The zealots I'm
> referring to will do everything in their power to supress the truth, to
> infringe freedom of speech, to disrupt the free flow of ideas in forums
> intended for that very purpose.  And when their power is not equal to
> the task, they are reduced by the hate which consumes them to praying to
> whatever idols they worship for the messengers of that truth and the
> purveyors of that "dangerous knowledge" to be crippled soas to be unable
> to post an URL to IE6.0.
> Thank God it ain't me in there.

holy crap, i didn't microsoft were the zealots of which you spoke!

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