Peter Lairo wrote:
> *Please Note*: JTK is known to post misrepresentations of truth and of
> deliberatly disrupting this newsgroup. Please either ignore his posts or
> make sure you confirm the so-called "facts" he is posting.

*Please Note*: Peter Lairo wants me to be semi-permanantly disabled
because I posted an URL to the IE6.0 download site:

"You're obviously not going to go away on your own, so I hope you get
ill and can't use a PC for a long time." - Peter Lairo,
> JTK wrote:
>  > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Lairo says...
>  >
>  >> my oppinion of you just took a 180 - you are obviously a slimeball.
>  >>
>  >
>  > What'd you think of me before?
> You seem to cleverly mask your disruptive activities as seemingly real
> discussion or information (I was fooled by one of your posts). But after
> reading more of your posts, I have realized that your intention is not
> to help make a better browser, but to disrupt and discredit this project.

How does posting a link to the competition in any possible way 'disrupt
or discredit' anything, Mr. Lairo?  It doesn't, does it?

> Posting a link to IE6 as a *root* topic in a mozilla newsgroup instead
> of as a *reply to the person* who you claim requested assistance is
> clearly an *attempt to inflame tempers* and an obvious attempt to get
> people to move to IE6.

Really?  I thought I made it pretty clear that it was an obvious attempt
to help people find the competition, in case they wanted to make up
their own minds as to what areas Maozilla still has to work on.  As
sombody has pointed out, 'Micro$oft' (that is the preferred spelling in
your cult, isn't it?) has not made this program particularly easy to
find, nor is advertising that it's a new release.

>  > Posting a link of where to get IE6.0 is "reprehensible"?  Explain.
>  > Why don't you want people to know where to get it?
> No, the posting itself is not.

You said it was.  Now you're going to back off?  I'm still a "slimeball"
though, right?  You still wish that I was disabled and unable to post
links to IE6.0 betas, right?

> It is how you did it (as a root topic)

Ahhhh.  I see.  So because I posted a link to IE as a *root topic*, you
wish me a disability that would leave me unable to use a computer.

> and what you have posted in the past.

Which was what again?  That Maozilla is a pig?  Check those charts in
.perfomance Mr. Lairo, they show a steadily increasing startup time, and
a page-load time decreasing so slowly that all the protons in the
universe will have decayed before it approaches IE's time.  I have
posted the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  And that
means that in your book I'm a "reprehensible slimeball" that should be
crippled so badly that he can't use a PC.

> All this together makes you what
> you are (and what I called you).

And what you're ashamed to repeat, right Mr. Lairo?  Or have you no

>  >> You're obviously not going to go away on your own, so I hope you
>  >> get ill  and can't use a PC for a long time.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  > So let me get this straight: You wish me disabling ill-health
>  > because I posted a link to IE6.0.
> Not because of the link,

It is because of the link, don't fool yourself.  Had I posted a link to,
say, Sun's embarrasing HotJava 'browser', we wouldn't have heard a peep
from you.  After all, it hain't Micro$oft, right Mr. Lairo?

> but because of what you are trying to do to
> this project.

Which you believe is what?

> Yes, I either wish you get counseling,


You want me disabled because I post a link to IE and *you* want *ME* to
get counselling?!?!?

> or you somehow
> *loose the ability* to damage the world around you (a permanent power
> outage whervever you are would also do the trick).

Well shoot, that's a far cry from your previous stance!  What about some
form of neck injury that left me completely paralyzed!  Oh, no, I could
still manage to type out Micro$oft URLs with a stick in my mouth.  Well
then, perhaps head trauma that left me in a coma!  Yes, that would do
it!  Oh, but perhaps not permanently.  Well, let's see, what could the
Final Solution to the JTK Problem possibly be....

>  From your posts it is abundantly clear that you are "intelligent"
> enough to know what you are attempting to do here.

And from your posts it is abundantly clear that you are not
"intelligent" enough to know what I am attempting to do here.

> I am certain you are
> able to carry FULL responsibility of your actions here.

Well, until I'm permanently disabled in the manner you wish anyway.

> You probably
> don't notice it, but let me make this clear to you: You are rotting on
> the inside. Your personality, soul, spririt, whatever you want to call
> it, is taking heavy damage every time you do something to damage others
> of you species without a survival necessity on your side. For you and
> for us, I strongly suggest you stop your destructive activities and
> reconsider the course you have taken.

"You're obviously not going to go away on your own, so I hope you get
ill and can't use a PC for a long time." - Peter Lairo,

Tell me Mr. Lairo, how does it feel be "rotting on the inside" and
unable to realize it?

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