On Sun, 1 Jul 2001, Brian Z Jones wrote:
> I disagree. I figure, you know what you sent me, you want to see what
> I'm saying in reply first.

This fails on three counts.

1. I have no idea what I sent you. I send dozens and dozens of e-mails
   each day. There is no way I can remember what I sent you.

2. I receive hundreds of e-mails each day. If I can't work out what you're
   talking about within a few seconds, then I lose interest and move on.

3. On mailing lists, I usually didn't write the original message, and so
   there is no way I can remember "what I wrote".

> [...] as your reply may get lost as I scroll on down, so I guess I just
> like things my own way.

If you are using a mail client which highlights text based on the ">"
nesting level, you won't miss a thing.

Ian Hickson                                     )\     _. - ._.)       fL
Netscape, Standards Compliance QA              /. `- '  (  `--'
+1 650 937 6593                                `- , ) -  > ) \
irc.mozilla.org:Hixie _________________________  (.' \) (.' -' __________

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