Peter Lairo wrote:

> THe whole idea of the sig being preformat (whatever that is) is stupid. 
> It has messed up my mails more than once. If replying on top (which you 
> consider to be wrong, but is done frequently anyhow), then the user 
> should be allowed to decide where his sig goes too - it's that simple, 
> because it doesn't break anything, it is only considered bad form by 
> some. So should we top posters be dictated where our signature goes? I 
> don't think it's that important, do you?
> How about if while top responding, the sig file is placed at the top as 
> regular text. You cannot force people to follow a standard that you 
> THINK is good form. If there are are enough others who like it a 
> different way, and no harm is being done (what is inconveniencing is a 
> matter of oppinion), then the coice must be up to the user!
> Please allow top replyers to have their signature where it makes sense 
> to them - namely immediately befow their reply. Thank You, ladies and 
> gentlemen.
> Regards,
> Peter Lairo
> - Habitual Top-Replyer (and OK with that) -
> Ian Hickson wrote:
>>On Sun, 1 Jul 2001, Brian Z Jones wrote:
>>>I disagree. I figure, you know what you sent me, you want to see what
>>>I'm saying in reply first.
>>This fails on three counts.
>>1. I have no idea what I sent you. I send dozens and dozens of e-mails
>>   each day. There is no way I can remember what I sent you.
>>2. I receive hundreds of e-mails each day. If I can't work out what you're
>>   talking about within a few seconds, then I lose interest and move on.
>>3. On mailing lists, I usually didn't write the original message, and so
>>   there is no way I can remember "what I wrote".
>>>[...] as your reply may get lost as I scroll on down, so I guess I just
>>>like things my own way.
>>If you are using a mail client which highlights text based on the ">"
>>nesting level, you won't miss a thing.

The problem with folks positioning whatever they want wherever they want
is quite problematic. There are a lot of newsreaders out there that rely
on the signature delimiter "-- " to determine where the message ends and
the signature begins. After the signature is nothing and is treated as
such. Mozilla et al will disregard the signature in a quoted reply,
therefore everything below the signature is ignored. Not good .....

Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
Novell MCNE-5/CNI
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