THe whole idea of the sig being preformat (whatever that is) is stupid. 
It has messed up my mails more than once. If replying on top (which you 
consider to be wrong, but is done frequently anyhow), then the user 
should be allowed to decide where his sig goes too - it's that simple, 
because it doesn't break anything, it is only considered bad form by 
some. So should we top posters be dictated where our signature goes? I 
don't think it's that important, do you?

How about if while top responding, the sig file is placed at the top as 
regular text. You cannot force people to follow a standard that you 
THINK is good form. If there are are enough others who like it a 
different way, and no harm is being done (what is inconveniencing is a 
matter of oppinion), then the coice must be up to the user!

Please allow top replyers to have their signature where it makes sense 
to them - namely immediately befow their reply. Thank You, ladies and 

Peter Lairo
- Habitual Top-Replyer (and OK with that) -

Ian Hickson wrote:

> On Sun, 1 Jul 2001, Brian Z Jones wrote:
>>I disagree. I figure, you know what you sent me, you want to see what
>>I'm saying in reply first.
> This fails on three counts.
> 1. I have no idea what I sent you. I send dozens and dozens of e-mails
>    each day. There is no way I can remember what I sent you.
> 2. I receive hundreds of e-mails each day. If I can't work out what you're
>    talking about within a few seconds, then I lose interest and move on.
> 3. On mailing lists, I usually didn't write the original message, and so
>    there is no way I can remember "what I wrote".
>>[...] as your reply may get lost as I scroll on down, so I guess I just
>>like things my own way.
> If you are using a mail client which highlights text based on the ">"
> nesting level, you won't miss a thing.



Peter Lairo

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