
Afraid your going to lose on this one. I think Topposting is more logical and because
I read a lot of emails anews post its a time saver to me to see the reply first at
next thread. USENET Rules since back in the 60's and UNiX Days have an absolutely
strict rule about here the signature is supposed to show and even the requirement of
the sigdash separator so that servers can chop it off to save space.

USENET does allow for top posting although the frown on the practice. They don't ban 

But where the signatture lies is set in stone. Moving it would be akin to
assassinating some king or queen.

Christopher Jahn wrote:
> And it came to pass that Peter Lairo wrote:
> > THe whole idea of the sig being preformat (whatever that is)
> > is stupid. It has messed up my mails more than once. If
> > replying on top (which you consider to be wrong, but is done
> > frequently anyhow), then the user should be allowed to
> > decide where his sig goes too - it's that simple, because it
> > doesn't break anything, it is only considered bad form by
> > some. So should we top posters be dictated where our
> > signature goes? I don't think it's that important, do you?
> >
> Here's a thought - go write your own non-compliant newsreader.
> Then it will do any damn ignorant thing you want it to do.
> --
> }:-)       Christopher Jahn
> {:-(         Dionysian Reveler
> This is precisely the sort of thing that people who like this
> sort of thing will like.
> To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

Phillip M. Jones, CET     |MEMBER:VPEA (LIFE) ETA-I, NESDA,ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street        |Who's Who. PHONE:540-632-5045, FAX:540-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112-1809|[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!


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