on 31 Jul 2001: 
> 1.  Play your violin while AOL HQ burns.  This is probably the most
> productive choice in terms of results gotten vs. effort expended,
> since regardless of what anybody outside (and many inside) of AOL
> does, it's a near certainty the results will be the same.

AOL has more subscribers than you can count.  Although you may only be 
able to count to 20 (if you take your shoes off), AOL does have an 
incredible user base.  In the millions.  AOL's headquarters will never 
burn to the ground, barring a freak accident, and if it does it will be 
rebuilt.  They do make an incredible amount of money.  

> 2.  Bitch.  Loudly.  Plainly.  Incessantly.  In public.  Not in
> some hidden "bugzilla" gulag where nobody can hear you scream, just
> the way the Duma likes it.
> 3.  Same as #2, but at the same time contribute administratively,
> as I have done with my "less than twice as bad" release criteria
> proposal. This takes the most effort, but it gets the most notice.

Can anyone please get a count of the number of hits to bugzilla, and the 
number that don't come internally from netscape.com/aol.com?

> Can't wait to read that transcript.

ICQ: 123728792
AIM: FlyersR1 9
_ = m

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