JTK wrote:
> Ooof, that must have been a rough gig: "Well, it's like four years now,
> still nothing anywhere near ready to release.  But we do have some
> 'liberating' commie graphics.  There's coffee and cookies in the lobby,
> thanks for listening."

I knew the civility and level-headedness that was starting to show in
n.p.m.performance was all an act. I'm just surprised it broke so soon, I was
hoping against hope that it wasn't an act.

> We gonna get a transcript of that, Maozilla Politburo?

Since it's not Mozilla's responsibility to transcribe open source events, I
doubt you'll get it from Mozilla.org. Why not ask a site dedicated to the Open
Source community at large, or an O'Reilly site? After all, we don't ask you for
current news, we go to news organizations for it.

> > My followup questions was "Isn't the voting scheme the only way you have
> > of finding out what the customer wants to see implemented?" She
> > misunderstood my question and thought that I was asking what the
> > engineers were interested in seeing implemented.
> You mean "she 'misunderstood' my question".

Of course, it's all a conspiracy JTK. She deliberately tried ot be obscure.
You've once again foiled our plan to take over the world - er, make a browser.

> Such as performance and usablility, there's a good chance that they
> could be missed.  Oh wait, they've already been missed by orders of
> magnitude.

Orders of magnitude being powers of ten, you're not even close.

> AOL's Mozilla...

Once again, AOL is not Mozilla, and Mozilla is not AOL. Just because you say so,
does not make it true. What more do you want for proof?

> 3.  Same as #2, but at the same time contribute administratively, as I
> have done with my "less than twice as bad" release criteria proposal.
> This takes the most effort, but it gets the most notice.

Because it was PRODUCTIVE and OBJECTIVE, as opposed to your normal worthless
drivel that is filled with nothing but misinformation, wild accusations, and

> Can't wait to read that transcript.

Then go get it already.

jesus X  [ Booze-fueled paragon of pointless cruelty and wanton sadism. ]
 email   [ jesusx @ who.net ]
 web     [ http://burntelectrons.com ] [ Updated April 29, 2001 ]
 tag     [ The Universe: It's everywhere you want to be. ]
 warning [ All your base are belong to us. ]

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