JTK wrote:
> David Coppit wrote:
>>So during Mitchell Baker's talk on the "State of the Mozilla Project" at
>>the Open Source Convention,
> Ooof, that must have been a rough gig: "Well, it's like four years now,
> still nothing anywhere near ready to release.  But we do have some
> 'liberating' commie graphics.  There's coffee and cookies in the lobby,
> thanks for listening."

Wow. No angst in that post. :)

Personally, I appreciate the "we'll release when it's ready and no 
sooner" position. Mozilla is trying to meet a lot of requirements, and 
that's a hard thing to do and still get something out the door. I 
predict that once something usable comes out (and I think it has), 
you'll see a lot of rapid development a la "grow, don't build" (thanks 
Fred Brooks)

> 2.  Bitch.  Loudly.  Plainly.  Incessantly.  In public.  Not in some
> hidden "bugzilla" gulag where nobody can hear you scream, just the way
> the Duma likes it.

My experience doesn't match yours, so I'll call it "an invitation to 
discuss" rather than bitching... I wonder if Moz developers cruise this 
newsgroup? Is there a better place for this discussion?


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