Leibowitz wrote:
 > I think the intent is that Mozilla is supposed to be packaged and shipped
 > by third party.  If I was to package Mozilla for Microsoft Windows
 > here's what I would do: 1.) Install Mozilla as a signel exectuable 2.)
 > In the start menu (or desktop or where ever) have the following links:

 > Web Browser - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe" Mail -
 > "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - mail" News - "C:\program
 > files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - news" Chat - "C:\program
 > files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - chat"
Even simpler: select the desired start-up application(s) in preferences.
  I realize Chatzilla is not in the current list of options, but this at 
least lets users who only want chat & mail to bypass the browser launch.

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