Actually, on *nix systems, this *is* all that is necessary to achieve 
what you want with the following modification:
        Web Browser - "mozilla -p browserProfile"
        Mail - "mozilla -mail -p mailProfile"
        News - "mozilla -news -p newsProfile"
        Chat - "mozilla -chat -p chatProfile"
Each of these can now be run as an independent process and be quit 
without affecting whether the other parts are open or closed.  The 
obvious downside being that you have to mantain 4 seperate profiles(it 
is considered bad karma and is an open bug for two instances of mozilla 
to use the same profile simultaneously(this may either be fixed by 
preventing this situation or else making it so that it is no longer bad 
karma)) and if all four are open it will use 4 times as much memory.

But the only real reason to want to exit the browser completely(instead 
of just closing[Ctrl-W vs Ctrl-Q] the browser window) is when installing 
xpis which is a rare occurence, or when upgrading Mozilla in which case 
every component would have been upgraded and would need to be restarted 
James Russell wrote:
> This is true enough, I guess, but it doesn't allow a user to have one 
> program open and completely close another. I think it would be better if 
> I was able to "exit" Mozilla and keep my Chatzilla open, or my 
> JavaScript debugger, or whatever. I don't think this can be done with 
> your links.
>>     1.) Install Mozilla as a signel exectuable
>>     2.) In the start menu (or desktop or where ever) have the following
>> links:
>>         Web Browser - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe"
>>         Mail - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - mail"
>>         News - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - news"
>>         Chat - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - chat"
>> With the option of the links I don't see the point of changing the
>> code.
>> Leibowitz N

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