This is true enough, I guess, but it doesn't allow a user to have one 
program open and completely close another. I think it would be better if 
I was able to "exit" Mozilla and keep my Chatzilla open, or my 
JavaScript debugger, or whatever. I don't think this can be done with 
your links.

Let me take a different tact. Right now, it seems that Mozilla suffers 
the same limitations that Word and Visual Basic for Applications. That 
is, programs can be created using VBA within Word, but those 
applications can only be started if Word is running. So right now, 
Mozilla is only useful as a "house of cards" app. Now, with Microsoft, 
you can go to Visual Basic and create the same program you created in 
Word from the ground up that doesn't require Word. That's what I'm 
looking for here. Some kind of an "application base" that others can 
take and easily use to create a standalone Mozilla app of any kind. As a 
proof of concept, we could carve a standalone Mail and Chatzilla app 
out, find what both apps have in common, and then use that common base 
to help people create third party apps.

Or, perhaps scripts could be created that know which parts of Mozilla to 
"cut out", rename, etc.? That way, as soon as a major build is finished, 
the scripts could be run on redundant versions of Mozilla to create 
different standalone applications. Of course we would still have the 
integrated "Mozilla" package. This way the process can be automated. 
Granted, the scripts would have to be tweaked here and there, I'm sure.


Leibowitz wrote:

> I think the intent is that Mozilla is supposed to be packaged and
> shipped by third party.  If I was to package Mozilla for Microsoft
> Windows here's what I would do:
>       1.) Install Mozilla as a signel exectuable
>       2.) In the start menu (or desktop or where ever) have the following
> links:
>               Web Browser - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe"
>               Mail - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - mail"
>               News - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - news"
>               Chat - "C:\program files\Mozilla\mozilla.exe - chat"
> With the option of the links I don't see the point of changing the
> code.
> Leibowitz N

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