This is what I did to disable windows media player plugin. Locate all.js file in your installation and comment out the following line:

//pref("plugin.scan.WindowsMediaPlayer", "7.0");

"//" is the comment string for javascript and effectively removed the line from the file. all.js is located in your installation. If you are not sure where it is, search your hard disk for all.js. I think that earlier version sof mozilla use a different name for the file (winprefs.js?). If this was installed by your sysadmin and you don't have write permission on the file, you are screwed. Actually, I was just thinking that if the sysadmin has screwed you, that you could change the minimum version to a really high number. Hopefully, it would not install the plugin. I have not tried this.

This is what I did so that windows media player does not show up in about:plugins.

Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
CarlosRivera writes:

Actually, I just found out those folks at work installed some software
on my box again. So, I had to rip out some more crap. You also need to
locate appropriate all.js and remove or comment out the appropriate plugin.scan.XXX line; otherwise, the plugins keeps coming back.

What are all.js and plugin.scan.XXX?
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