Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
Peter Gutmann writes:

I assume you're running on a Windoze box, in which case they'll be in
\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\greprefs\.

How did Firefox locate the Flash plug-in installed by Opera, then?  I
don't see a plugin.scan line for that.

ObRant: Why can't about:plugins be used to disable these things?  It's
currently far too difficult to get rid of these things, Mozilla by default
tries to enable all manner of dangerous and often unwanted plugins, it
shouldn't be necessary to hand-hack config files to fix this behaviour.

No plug-in that allows the content author to create code executable on
the client machine should ever be enabled by default.  Unfortunately,
that includes quite a few plug-ins nowadays.

I don't install flash plugins. I even go so far as to rip all scripts for getting flash from my system. completely disable software installation.

there ain't nothing on a site that's contained in a flash file that I NEED to see. ( same with javascript )

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