Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
J. Greenlees writes:

I don't install flash plugins.

Neither do I.  But Opera installed one without asking me, which is why
I've pulled Opera off my system (plus the fact that Opera installs
adware, even if you pay for it).

Once Opera had installed it, Firefox looked for and found it, again
without bothering to tell me.

there ain't nothing on a site that's contained in a flash file that I
NEED to see. ( same with javascript )

Agreed, although poorly designed sites may not work at all without
Javascript (mine will, however--with the exception of one page that I
haven't figured out how to do with server-side scripting, because it
needs to know the monitor size).

queso will pull that from remote host.
just need to be using *x box for the server, with it installed.
( and have permission set in server config to access it. )
most browsers will return screen resolution on server request.

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