On Friday 27 May 2005 18:02, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> I get already too many emails telling me "this will earn you million
> dollars in a week", "this will let you make love all night without
> losing an erection", "get Microsoft and Symantec products at one-tenth
> the cost", even spams telling me "this will protect you from spam". If
> some spyware tells me "This will protect you from spyware", I'm not
> gonna believe it. Believe it yourself if you want, it's your funeral.
> As P.T. Barnum said, there's a believer born every minute.

I guess so.  But this rules you out as Mozilla's
target "average user" so it doesn't really help.
All of us here are in the same boat - probably
not ideal target users as we are probably
sophisticated enough to avoid phishing and
the like without resort to noddy toolbars.

Which leads me to wonder aloud whether there
is much point in Mozilla deciding that its target
user should be the average user.  Practically
speaking, it seems much too tough a target to
protect these people;  we can't as a community
even understand them, and we are forever
making statements that amount to denial of
their right to exist.

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