Hello Holger,

Thursday, August 31, 2000, 11:32:13 AM, you wrote:
HD> just a quick note that I've release final version 1.1.0 of RazorLame,
HD> available from http://www.dors.de/razorlame/

I tested the 1.1.0 yesterday, so I think it's still the beta, but it
works like a charm for me.

If I had to give 1 comment: please make all those settings appear on 1
big page because it's very unhandy to go and look for some options in
a few different windows. (Now 'delete source file after encoding' is
in the "advanced window", and also I use some from the "expert"

Would be a lot handier and surveyable if it were in 1 big window like
in lamebatch.  Also would limit the explanation how to use RazorLame
on r3mix.net a _lot_ easier.

Maybe also the ability to add files when encoding already?  now I must
abort the current session to add new directories. (I rip and encode

Maybe also a "scan subdir" for files or so.  I just encoded

 Directory van E:\The Grateful Dead - So Many Roads (1965-1995) (5cd).
CD1            <DIR>        08-30-00  4:52p cd1
CD2            <DIR>        08-30-00  4:52p cd2
CD3            <DIR>        08-30-00  4:53p cd3
CD4            <DIR>        08-30-00  4:53p cd4
CD5            <DIR>        08-30-00  4:53p cd5

and for a lazy *** like me it's a whole lot of unnecesary work to add
the 5 dirs manually :).

btw: why are mp3's shown anyway when I choose "encode"?  I think only
showing .wav by default would be better?

But anyway, still the best program around,


 Roel/r3mix.net                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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